~ prologue ~

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Crystal War, 2024

The sound of cries and screams start to sound deafening inside your bedroom, the walls vibrating with every noise.

Your sister, although only a year younger than you, curls up into a ball beside you. Her arms are wrapped around your waist and she shakes just like the walls.

"_____ ," She whimpers, looking up at you with tear stained eyes, "Why hasn't Hobi come back yet? He said he'd come back."

You gently comb your fingers through her hair to calm her down and she instantly curls back up to you, "Don't worry Noa. Hobi never breaks his promises. You know that."

"I know that. I'm just scared."

The fourteen year old sniffles a little bit and that just makes you pull her tighter and push yourself and her further into the corner Hoseok said you both should stay in, to be safe.

Where is he?

Suddenly, the door knob starts to move around and you both look up, moving back until your backs hit the wall. The door then swings open, only to reveal a messy mop of red hair that you could recognize in an instant.

Your sister is the first to react, flinging herself onto your brother and caging him in a hug. He drops his sword and immediately hugs her. You rush over after and embrace him as well.

Hoseok sighs in relief, happy that his younger sisters are still safe and sound. He gently strokes their hair and places a soft kiss on each of their heads.

"I'm so happy you're both safe." He breathes out, his eyes teary.

Noa looks up with equally teary eyes and he breaks up the tight hug, "I thought you forgot about us."

"Forget about you starlight? Never." His eyes then land on you and he smiles widens, "And I'd never forget you moonbeam."

You smile, "You okay, sunshine? How is it out there?"

Hoseok's smile falters, staring at the sword he dropped that glistens under the sunlight, "Not well. Dad is out for blood. It's really dangerous. He seems to be suspicious of me too."

You furrow your eyebrows, "Suspicious of you? Why would dad think like that?"

"Because I have this," He hands you a dark red notebook and you stare at it in awe, "It's maps to all the four kingdoms. Secret routes, the trade route and entrances."

"Even where the power crystal are and their keys." Noa stares at the notebook with wide eyes, watching as you flip through it, "Dad will be so upset if he find this."

"That's why I'm giving it to you girls."

You both look up with wide eyes. Your brother stares at with a soft smile but it seems to mask the sadness in his eyes. You place the notebook in your lap.

"Hobi, you're not thinking of-"

He cuts you off, "I want you to guard this with your life. I have to go and meet the Diamond Prince and talk with him. If Dad's guards catch me with this notebook, I'm doomed. You two need to keep it safe here until I come back."

"It's the middle of a war Hoseok." You say with a frown, "Can you even escape from a war zone?"

He shrugs, "It's easier than you think."

Your younger sister stares at Hoseok with a soft, sad gaze, "How long will you be gone?"

Hoseok firmly holds Noa's hand to reassure her, "It'll only be for a day starlight. I'll be back before you know it."

You and your sister stare at him, making him stare back with nothing but love for his sisters. He would do anything to keep them safe.

"Promise sunshine?"

"I promise moonbeam."


this story is actually based on this weird dream i had. the dad was actually darth vader for some reason and jungkook spoke perfect english (or was i speaking korean??) and we ran away together or something like that.

(Jimin was third-wheeling like most of the time for some reason-)

anyways, so i turned it into a fanfic with MANY changes from my dream....

i'm really excited for this story just because i've actually had this story planned for a while now and i can't wait to share it with you all!!

i really hope you enjoy this story!! love you all and thank you in advance for the support you give this book.

signing off,

xo jhopefulIy

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