"For the millionth time, my dear son, yes." Lexi tried not laugh, shaking her head whilst polishing the ivory keys of her piano. She tucked a strand of hair that had fallen in front of her face back behind her ear before she spared a glance in Sky's direction. "Remember all the bedtime stories I would tell you and Jupiter when you were little? Well, it turns out that they were a bit truer than we realized."

"I honestly wish I could've been there." He chuckled before then sitting up straighter in the recliner and leaning a bit forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he looked to his mother. "Have you seen Dad at all today? It has been oddly quiet around here, and it's a bit unsettling."

"Sitting on top of the TARDIS." She answered as she set the cleaning polish that she was using to polish the keys of her piano aside. She then tentatively pressed one of the keys, a light and resounding tone resonating throughout the console room. "He said he wanted, and I quote, 'to meditate or something.'"

Sky furrowed his brows in confusion. "Wh–" He began to ask, but was cut off by the sound of the TARDIS doors opening.

The Doctor poked his head in upside down and stared unblinkingly at his wife and son for a couple of moments. "Listen!" He whispered harshly.

Lexi quirked an eyebrow. "To what?" She asked.

The Doctor jumped down with ease and closed the doors behind him. "Question." He began as he walked passed the console and up a set of stairs to where a lit candle sat atop his desk, Lexi and Sky watching his every move. "Why do we talk out loud when we know we're alone?" He asked his question as he picked up the candle before turning around to face where his wife and son were watching him from the other side of the console room. He held up a finger when he noticed Sky was about to answer him. "Conjecture..." He blew out the candle. "Because we know we're not."

"That is a very 'you' thing to say, my sweet." Lexi remarked as she and Sky watched the Doctor write on his chalkboard.

"Evolution perfects survival skills." He continued. "There are perfect hunters. There is perfect defense. Question." He stated as he finished off his list and set the piece of chalk down in the crack of a book that was on the podium next to the chalkboard. "Why is there no such thing as perfect hiding?"

"I'm confused..." Sky whispered, glancing at his mother. "Should we answer?"

"Best not." Lexi whispered back before they returned their attentions to the Doctor.

"Answer!" He exclaimed, whirling around and bracing himself against the railing as he looked across to Lexi and Sky. "How would you know? Logically, if evolution were to perfect a creature whose primary skill were to hide from view, how could you know it existed?"

"Do please enlighten us further." Lexi smirked a bit as she stood up from her piano, walking forward a few feet before leaning against the railing in much the same way the Doctor currently was on the other side of the room.

"It could be with us every second and we would never know." He responded as he stood back up straight while still keeping his hands on the railing. "How would you detect it? Even sense it... Except in those moments when, for no clear reason, you choose to speak aloud? What would such a creature want? What would it do?" He looked across to his wife and son, taking his hands off the railing. "Well? What would you do?"

Suddenly, there was a sort of rolling sound that caused the trio to look over in the direction of the podium.

One, the Doctor noticed that the piece of chalk he had placed in the crack of the book was not there anymore. And two, he looked down when he felt an ever-so light tap against the toe of his shoe. He raised an eyebrow at the piece of chalk. He promptly bent down and plucked it off the floor. However, he paused when he noticed the chalkboard.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆 ☆ The Glorious Series ⦅ BOOK 3 ⦆Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora