Punishment and Pleasures 6

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Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Draco MalfoyHarry Potter
Additional Tags:
BDSMDom/subAftercareSafe Sane and ConsensualSubdropDom Harry PotterTop Harry PotterPOV Harry PotterSub Draco MalfoyBottom Draco MalfoyPOV Draco MalfoyMaking LoveEstablished RelationshipSt Mungo's HospitalAuror Harry PotterPotions Master Draco MalfoyFluffSmutRomanceLoveReferences to Depression
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BDSM Fanfiction
When The Day Hits You Hard Like A Stone


What goes up will come down again. That's the rule of physics.

First up, this story is for the lovely "Be_Kind_Untiltheveryend", who asked if I would consider to do a fic on sub drop, which I kindly agreed to. Darling, I have no idea if this is what you wanted (or were looking for) but I hope it meets your expectations.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, sub drop is a very real thing and it happens, not always and it doesn't have to be intense, but it happens. BDSM Wiki offers the following explanation, and I quote: "Drop (sometimes called sub drop, dom drop and "The Mondays") is an experience with similar characteristics of depression that occurs after an intense SM scene. It is caused by adrenaline and endorphin crashes after the adrenaline and endorphin spikes that may occur during a scene." - this is a very basic explanation and if you'd like to read more check out this "link" for a list of symptoms and how to deal with it, there's also more for you to read over at "Coffee & Kink Me".

Reading through it, I'm sure you agree, it's scary and frightening and you're probably asking yourself why anyone would ever want to go there, but honestly it's as simple as the laws of physics; what goes up, must come down. All it boils down to is aftercare, aftercare, aftercare. Any good Dom will know that and any sub who knows they are susceptible to experience sub drop after play will tell their Dom about it well in advance and will have arrangements made to effectively deal with it when it happens. Right, enough of my rambles, enjoy the story, it's actually pure fluff!

Once again, all thanks go to my Fairy Smut King for dealing with my anxiety about getting this written, for researching with me and for writing something (that will probably remain unpublished forever) to help us both work through it and ready me for tackling something that simply needs to be tackled.
Work Text:
I reach out to take the coffee cup from the barista but instead of managing to grasp it properly, I let it sail right through my fingers. Not because I want to but because, well I don't know—

I watch in slow-motion as it drops onto the counter; the lid flies off and the coffee splashes all over the place. I don't even have the sense to jump back to avoid getting it all over my clothes.

What is wrong with me?

"S— Sorry," I mutter and pull my shaking hand behind my back. I clench it into a fist and stare at the barista.

Her lips are moving and I'm sure she's cursing the day I was born or at the very least the day she decided to take this job.

I can't hear her. My ears are buzzing and I feel dizzy.

Suddenly, there's an unbelievable rage inside of me. It starts in the pit of my stomach, bubbles up and spreads through every inch of me, extends right into the tips of my fingers and toes. I can practically feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I want to bare my teeth and growl.

Fuck you, Harry Potter.

I don't know why I'm blaming Harry for my spilt coffee, he isn't even here—

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