Episode 8

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No One

Jaqen H'ghar: Finally, a girl is no one.

Arya Stark: A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell. And I'm going home.

Thoros of Myr: Clegane. The fuck you doing here?

Sandor Clegane: Chasing them. You?

Thoros of Myr: Hanging them.

Sandor Clegane: Any particular reason?

Beric Dondarrion: They're our men, or they were. They attacked a nearby sept and murdered the villagers. Why do you want them?

Sandor Clegane: Same reason. I was helping build it. They killed a friend of mine.

Thoros of Myr: You've got friends?

Sandor Clegane: Not anymore. They're mine.

Beric Dondarrion: It's the Brotherhood's good name they've dragged through the dirt.

Sandor Clegane: Fuck your name, they're mine. Killed you once before, Dondarrion, happy to do it again. Drop that arrow, you bloody girl. Tougher girls than you tried to kill me.

Beric Dondarrion: You can have one of them.

Sandor Clegane: Two.

Thoros of Myr: No, no, no, no, no. We're not butchers. We hang them.

Sandor Clegane: Hanging? All over in an instant, where's the punishment in that?

Thoros of Myr: They die.

Sandor Clegane: We all bloody die, except this one here. Well, let me gut one of them.

Beric Dondarrion: No.

Sandor Clegane: Chop off one hand.

Beric Dondarrion: We gave you two of the three out of respect for your loss. That's generous.

Sandor Clegane: Bunch of nancies. There was a time I would have killed all seven of you just to gut these three.

Thoros of Myr: You're getting old, Clegane.

Sandor Clegane: He's not.

Lem: Please, don't. I'll give you anything.

Sandor Clegane: Got anything to eat?

Qyburn: Your Grace, several members of the Faith Militant have been permitted entry into the Red Keep.

Cersei Lannister: "Have been permitted". That's rather a tortured way of putting it.

Qyburn: They demand to see you, Your Grace.

Cersei Lannister: Who permitted them into the Red Keep? The King is aware of their presence?

Qyburn: He is, Your Grace. He is currently in his chambers at prayer.

Brother Lancel: Your Grace, His Holiness the High Septon wishes to speak with you at the Great Sept of Baelor.

Cersei Lannister: His Holiness the High Septon is welcome to see me here in the Red Keep.

Brother Lancel: Your Grace, this is not a request.

Cersei Lannister: It is a request, cousin Lancel. You are asking me for something, I am refusing.

Brother Lancel: The High Septon commands you. Are you sure you want to refuse him?

Cersei Lannister: He promised me I could stay in the Red Keep until my trial.

Brother Lancel: He made no such promises. If you refuse to come of your own free will...

Cersei Lannister: Get. Out.

Brother Lancel: Move aside, ser. Order your man to step aside or there will be violence.

Cersei Lannister: I choose violence. Please tell His High Holiness he's always welcome to visit.

Qyburn: Your Grace, that old rumour you told me about...my little birds investigated.

Cersei Lannister: And? Is it just a rumour, or something more?

Qyburn: More. Much more.

Jaime Lannister: Lord Edmure. I apologise for the way the Freys treated you. A man of your birth deserves better. You have my word you'll be properly fed and clothed from now on...

Edmure Tully: My uncle will never surrender the castle, sir. Whatever game you're playing...

Jaime Lannister: The Blackfish is an old man. A good death is all he can hope for. You...you have a child now, I've heard. A son, sired on your wedding night. You're a potent man.

Edmure Tully: A son I've never met, born of a wife I haven't seen since our first night together.

Jaime Lannister: You should be with them both. I can arrange that, you realise; comfortable rooms for you at Casterly Rock, a tutor for your boy, with knights to train him to fight and to ride, and when he comes of age, he'll have a keep of his own.

Edmure Tully: Can you imagine yourself a decent person? Is that it? After you've massacred my family, kept me in a cell for years, stolen our lands!

Jaime Lannister: I remind you our Houses are at war. I'm sorry if this conflict has inconvenienced you but rebelling against the Crown does have consequences.

Edmure Tully: Says the man who shoved his sword through his king's back!

Jaime Lannister: Did I give you the impression this was a negotiation? It's not.

Edmure Tully: You understand, on some level. You understand you're an evil man.

Jaime Lannister: I'll leave the judgements to the gods.

Edmure Tully: Oh that is convenient for you. You're a fine looking fellow, aren't you? Your square jaw, your golden armour...tell me, I want to know, I truly do. How do you live with yourself? All of us have to believe that we're decent, don't we? To let us sleep at night. How do you tell yourself that you're decent, after everything that you've done?

Jaime Lannister: I was your sister's prisoner once. She hit me on the head with a rock, if I remember correctly.

Edmure Tully: She should have killed you.

Jaime Lannister: Perhaps, but she didn't. Catelyn Stark hated me like you hate me, but I didn't hate her. I admired her, far more than I did her husband or her son.

Edmure Tully: Do you think I care who you admire and who you don't?

Jaime Lannister: Maybe not, but I'm telling you anyway because you're my prisoner. You don't have a choice. The love she had for her children, I was a little awed by it. Reminded me of my sister.

Edmure Tully: Oh, now I see. You're a madman.

Jaime Lannister: I'm not here to trade insults. Your sister was...

Edmure Tully: Don't talk about Cat!

Jaime Lannister: I'll talk about whomever I want. She loved her children. I suppose all mothers do. Catelyn and Cersei, it's a fierceness you don't often see. They'd do anything to protect their babies; start a war, burn cities to ash, free their worst enemies. The things we do for love.

Edmure Tully: You didn't come here to talk about our sisters.

Jaime Lannister: That's exactly why I came here. I love Cersei. You can laugh at that if you want, you can sneer, it doesn't matter. She needs me, and to get back to her, I have to take Riverrun. I'll send for your baby boy...and I'll launch him into Riverrun with a catapult because you don't matter to me, Lord Edmure. Your son doesn't matter to me. The people in the castle don't matter to me...only Cersei. And if I have to slaughter every Tully who ever lived to get back to her, that's what I'll do.

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