Episode 7

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The Broken Man

Brynden Tully: Kingslayer.

Jaime Lannister: Blackfish.

Brynden Tully: I assume you're here to fulfill the vow you gave my niece. I don't see Sansa and Arya.

Jaime Lannister: I don't have them.

Brynden Tully: Pity. Do you wish to resume your captivity? Then why are you here?

Jaime Lannister: You know why I'm here. This castle belongs to House Frey. You're trespassing. In the name of King Tommen, I order you to surrender or...

Brynden Tully: Or you'll kill Edmure? My nephew is marked for death no matter what. Hang him and be done with it.

Jaime Lannister: It won't stop with Edmure. You'll force me to storm the castle. Hundreds will die.

Brynden Tully: Hundreds of mine, thousands of yours... if you can breach the walls.

Jaime Lannister: We'll breach them and kill every last one of you, but if you surrender, I'll spare the lives of your men. On my honor.

Brynden Tully: Your honor? Bargaining with oathbreakers is like building on quicksand.

Jaime Lannister: The war is over, Ser. Why sacrifice living men to a lost cause?

Brynden Tully: As long as I am standing, the war is not over. This is my home. I was born in this castle and I'm ready to die in it. So you can either attack or try to starve us out. We have enough provisions for two years. Do you have two years, Kingslayer?

Jaime Lannister: You clearly have no intention of saving your men's lives! Why did you come treat with me?

Brynden Tully: Sieges are dull. And I wanted to see you in person, get the measure of you.

Jaime Lannister: Well, now you have.

Brynden Tully: Aye, now I have. I'm disappointed.

Theon Greyjoy: You think Uncle Euron's hunting for us?

Yara Greyjoy: Of course he is. As long as we're alive, we're a threat.

Theon Greyjoy: He'll find us.

Yara Greyjoy: It's a great big world, and we have fast ships. Drink.

Theon Greyjoy: I don't want any.

Yara Greyjoy: I don't care what you want. Drink. Drink it all. You're Ironborn, Theon. I know you've had some bad years.

Theon Greyjoy: Bad years?

Yara Greyjoy: I'm tired of watching you cower like a beat dog! Drink the goddamn ale! Now listen to me. I need you, the real Theon Greyjoy, not this ratshit pretender. Can you find him for me? Drink. You escaped, you hear me? You got away and you're never going back. We'll get justice for you.

Theon Greyjoy: If I got justice, my burnt body would hang over the gates of Winterfell.

Yara Greyjoy: Fuck justice, then, we'll get revenge. Drink. Listen to me. If you're so broken that there's no coming back, take a knife and cut your wrists. End it. But if you're staying, Theon, I need you. We're gonna sail to Meereen. We're gonna make a pact with this... Dragon Queen, and we're gonna take back the Iron Islands. Are you with me? Are you really with me? Now, since it's my last night ashore for a long while, I'm gonna go fuck the tits off this one.

Jon Snow: Lady Mormont.

Lyanna Mormont: Welcome to Bear Island.

Sansa Stark: I remember when you were born, my lady. You were named for my aunt Lyanna. They said she was a great beauty. I'm sure you will be, too.

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