Chapter 14, The Mirror of Erised

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Christmas was coming up. One morning in the middle of December Harry woke up to find that Hogwarts was covered in several feets of snow. The lake had been frozen solid so all the boy could see from his dormitory window was nothing but greenish, frozen water. Everyone had their panties in a twist because of the upcoming holidays. No one was patient at all. The drafty corridors had become icy and a bitter wind rattled the windows in the classrooms. Worst of all were Snape's classes down in the dungeons. Harry could see his breath rise in a chilly mist in front of him. He and Draco made an effort to stay by their hot cauldrons.

Harry and his blonde best friend were sitting in the Slytherin common room by the fire.

"Say, Harry," Draco spoke up.

Harry, who was writing down potion ingredients in some parchment lifted his head.

"Do you want to come along with me to the manor?"


"Its where I live. I'm going there on Christmas holiday this year."

"Oh I couldn't possibly-" Harry declined before being interrupted. He did not want to disturb Malfoy's family by getting in the way of their Christmas.

"No, no, I insist. My father has been quite interested in meeting you."

"Your father..?" Harry questioned, "Why?"

Draco had just the slightest look of guilt on his face before answering his question.

"Well," Draco started, "Ever since we've become friends my father has been quite proud. After all, you're the famous Harry Potter everyone knows. Why wouldn't he want to meet the missing celebrity of the age? You've just come back to your true society. Why wouldn't he want to welcome you? I'm already teaching you about the dos and donts here. I think he may just be excited."

"I think I'd rather stay here for now. I don't think I'm that ready to meet him."

Draco looked somewhat surprised but nodded, he was prepared for this answer, "Then I'll just have to stay here then." He offered his friend a mischievous smile.

"S-stay here!? But you've got family to see!"

Draco simply rolled his eyes, "I see them every year. Why not see what a Christmas at Hogwarts is like?"

"Are you sure? I'd hate to spoil your holiday." Harry replied.

Draco shook his head, "No worries, I know what presents I'm getting anyway."

Harry raised an eyebrow, "How do you know that?"

Draco chuckled nervously, "Ah well you know.... Sneaking around and such...."

Harry shook his head in disappointment, "Way to ruin your surprise."

Draco gave Harry a dirty look, "Well it's my surprise, I believe I can ruin it if I like."

"Youre not wrong there."

After the conversation Harry couldn't help but think about how surprising it is that wizard parents did not have some type of spell to keep their children away from where they had their gifts hidden.

Little did Harry know that they did. It was called an age line.

Once the holidays had started, Draco had kept his word and stayed with Harry. While Harry did feel a bit guilty about being the cause of Draco's stay he had to admit that the company was nice. After all, the friends he had made were ones with families that cared. He and Draco were having such fun that they seemed to forget about their whole problem of curiosity. Who was Nicholas Flamel? They weren't on that page yet however there were other things afoot. For starters, they had the entire dormitory to themselves so they were able to sit on the more lavish furniture by the fire. They spent the hours being pigs and eating whatever they stick on a toasting fork.

Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone (Slytherin!Harry)Where stories live. Discover now