Chapter 10, Boo!

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I'm an adrenaline junkie.

Harry slowly opened his bright green eyes as that early Thursday morning came. Those orbs of his slowly shifted to the bed right next to his. There laid his friend, Draco. He was sleeping soundly. Harry then glanced over at the clock, 4:47 AM. Sure, it was a bit early, but the young boy couldn't go back to bed anymore. He sighed, taking a deep breath, examining the room.

The dorm they were staying in were made for two. Each year had a different area for bedrooms. These rooms were reserved for the same people every year. For example, Slytherin's common room is a bit different than other houses; The Slytherin common room was a long, low underground room with rough stone walls and ceiling, from which round, greenish lamps were hanging. On both sides of the room were staircases that were hidden inside the wall, one for boys and another for girls. One would simply walk through in between two paintings to go to their rooms. These staircases went up to seven stories. Draco and Harry were at the very top, and they would stay there until they graduated. That floor was for students who started Hogwarts in 1991. Sure, the view was lovely but walking all the way up was tiring sometimes. On their floor were three bedrooms, luckily this year the boys had equal numbers, meaning only two boys per room. After all, there were only six male Slytherin first years, including Harry. That way no one was fighting over who gets a room to himself. Other houses didn't have this problem, other houses were in the more main part of the castle and the bedrooms were just big bedrooms for each year to stay in. The common rooms weren't as large as the Slytherin common room either.

To be quite honest Harry was surprised there weren't any more students at the school there were only 280 students in the castle. Draco had said something about connections, reputation, ranks, and wealth. Though he did say one thing that caught Harry's attention. A baby drought. Apparantly Voldemort murdered a lot more babies, couples, and pregnant women than Harry thought. Of course, he put an end to that after he himself came into the picture, but still. That's awful.

Their room was darker than the others, it had more of a Victorian Gothic style to it. The room had but one window in the middle of the outer wall. The layout was really just one large room with small stairs set to the center. The stairs lead to a small indoor balcony that their beds and night stands occupied. The beds in the dormitories are four-posters with green silk hangings and covers embroidered with silver threads. Anyone who came to the dorms at night could hear the soothing sound of the lake lapping against the windows at night. The large window was on top of the balcony with a small book nook and comforter connected to it. It was like a mini bed made for reading. The floor was a bluish-green with some black. The room had everything they'd need mirrors, plants, closets, drawers, a chess table, study table, you name it.

Their room was the nicest of the three. Some were a little jealous. Harry noticed that a lot of people were envious of Draco. Though he didn't say anything to him because he knew Draco would thrive off of that sort of stuff.

That's where they differed.

It was Halloween, one of Harry's favorite Holidays because usually Dudley would go out with his parents to trick or treat, leaving him to have some time to himself so he could hunt for some food in their kitchen. This year was different, however. He was at Hogwarts and tonight they were going to be fed like kings.

Rubbing his eyes, Harry looked over at Draco, again, sleeping soundly. He looked quite peaceful.

Not for long.

Draco had waken up at exactly 5AM. The blonde slowly opened his eyes and groaned, before stretching out in his comfy and cozy bed. He hadn't noticed he wasn't the only awake one in the room until he rolled over and looked up at Harry.

Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone (Slytherin!Harry)Where stories live. Discover now