With you in the heart

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Alesha's POV
I couldn't believe we were here. It's been 2 weeks since I found Amanda in the cage. Since I held her body in my arms. David zipped up the back of my black funeral dress and tears rose in my eyes.
"It's okay." He tried to comfort. I turned around and sobbed into his shoulder. Simon came in with his head low.
"It's time." He said sadly.
I nodded and headed to the church with them both. I saw her picture at the end. Her blonde hair perfectly laid over her shoulders. We were stood outside.
"Does anyone want to say a few words?" The priest asked. I nodded and stood up.
"I don't really know what to say. She was incredible, kind, loving. She was so sweet and wanted to always help people. I can't believe she is really gone. I already miss her like mad. I love you baby girl." I burst into tears and sat back down as they lowered the coffin. My heart was shattered. I didn't know how my heart ache I could take. It was killing me. Things were the lowest and I don't think they could get any worse. Once her coffin was at the bottom of the grave I threw a red rose. Her favorite flower. Soon it was over. She was really gone. I sat in the drivers seat of my car and attacked my steering wheel. It was too much. Everything. It was going so fast. I buckled up and drove to the hospital.
"Miss Dixon."
"You know who I'm here to see."
"Yeah. Right this way."
The nurse lead me down the corridor to a private room.
"Thank you." I muttered before slowly walking in. There she was. The love of my life, attached to Machines and tubes. I pulled up a chair and sat at her side. I held her delicate hand gently in mine and cried.
"The funeral was today. She saved us. All of us."

2 weeks ago
I held Amanda's body in my arms and sobbed. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my shoulders and when I looked over I saw Melanie. We had been friends since primary school, she was like a younger sister to me, we were inseparable. she had always wanted to be a firefighter. It's one of the things I have always lived about her, her need to help others. In a way she reminded me of Amanda. Her curled golden licks that hung below her shoulders and the way she cared about anyone, no matter who they were.
"We have to get out of here. It's about to blow up." She said urgently. I nodded and let the paramedics rush me and Amanda out. We were all outside when Melanie's face fell.
"Crap! John! He is still in there!" She shouted.
I had gotten to know John while visiting Mel. He worked along side her and was an incredible guy.
"Mel don't go back in there!" A firefighter called at her, but she did. The next thing I knew John was with us, there was a huge explosion and Melanie was gone.

The sound of the rhythmic beating of the heart monitor was the only thing breaking the silence. After the incident, they managed to use CPR and got her heart beating again. She was put in a medically induced coma to try and speed up her recovery. I had visited her every day. I still didn't know if her memories were back or if she still didn't remember anything. Those 2 weeks had been the hardest, without her comfort and her smile, without her touch and the way her eyes seemed to sparkle in the light. One thing was for sure, I would never give up hope that one day, maybe, she would return to me.

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