Fight or flight

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Amanda's POV
I woke up the next morning to find Aleshas arm still wrapped protectively around my waist. We would be travelling to Manchester after lunch and had a long journey ahead of us. I slowly untangled myself from the sleeping beauty next to me and headed quietly to the kitchen. I gathered all the ingredients to make pancakes and put it in a pan. After making a stack of pancakes I placed them on a white plate with a glass of orange and a red rose in a glass vase. I smiled at the breakfast in front of my and waited for alesha to wake up.

Aleshas POV
I woke up to sunlight beaming on my face and immediately noticed the emptiness next to me. I sat up quickly and let my eyes adjust to the light. I got out of bed and headed down to the kitchen to find pancakes with a glass of orange juice. Next to it was a single red rose in a vase. I smiled and looked around but Amanda was no where in sight.
"Amanda?" I called out but there was no answer. I felt the panic rising but tried to stay calm. I walked through the house but she wasn't anywhere. I called her phone and followed the ringing back to the bedroom. Her phone was exactly where she had left it last night. My phone rang with an unknown number. I usually never answered them but I thought they were somehow connected to wherever Amanda was.
"Hello?" I said slowly. There was nothing.
"Who is this?" I asked
"If You're looking for your girlfriend, you're not going to find her."
I felt both rage and fear rise inside me.
"Where the hell is my girlfriend and I swear to god if you hurt her I will burry you!"
"She is fine. For now."
"How do I know your telling the truth."
I heard what sounded like a foot colliding with something. Then it came. Amanda, screaming in pain.
"Amanda! What the hell have you done?"
"You see, Amanda used to belong to one of my best friends. It's because of her he is in prison! It's only fair."
"Please don't hurt her." My voice broke and got salty tears rolled down my cheeks.
"Too late."
"No please. Take me. Take me instead but don't hurt her."
"This isn't your battle."
With that they hung up the phone. I stumbled backwards till my back hit the wall and fell to the floor. I curled my knees to my chest and sobbed.

Simons POV
Me and David had arrived in Manchester but the girls were no where to be found. I called alesha again and again but it went to voicemail every time. Me and David headed down to the panel when I tried one last time and to my luck she answered.
"Alesha! Where the hell are you both!"
The auditorium was silent and so was Alesha.
"A. Am. Amanda."
She sounded broken.
"What's going on with Amanda?"
David was looking at me puzzled.
"What do you mean?"
"They. They took her."
"I don't know."
"I'm on my way."
I hung up and turned to look at David.
"What's going on?" He asked.
"Someone has taken Amanda. I'm going to see Alesha."
Me and David ran out the hall and all the crowd started to murmur and conspire.
We finally arrived at Aleshas House and ran through the door.

David's POV.
I followed Simon into the house. It was dark and eerily quiet.
I found her with her knees to her chest and her back up against the wall with her head in her Lap.
"Simon! Over here!"
We both ran over to her.
I held in a breath when she looked up. She looked broken. Like she had been crying all day.
"Alesha? What happened?" I said
"Amanda. They took her."
"I don't know."
"How about you tell us what happened step by step." Simon suggested.
"I woke up and came downstairs. I found breakfast waiting for me that Amanda had made. I realised she was gone and I got an unknown number trying to call me. When I answered they said that they had Amanda because she put one of their best friends behind bars. When I asked how I knew they were telling the truth they. They kicked her and her scream. It's on a continuous loop in my head. I don't know what to do."
She broke into another fresh set of tears and I pulled her into a hug. I looked up at Simon and his expression was mixed. It was one of rage and fear but also one of vulnerability. Amanda was a huge part of all of our lives.
"What do they mean when they said Amanda put their best friend behind bars."
I felt Alesha shake her head but Simon spoke up.
"She made me promise never to speak a word of it but I have no choice because if it's the same people she is in serious danger. Basically a few years ago, Amanda was in a relationship with a guy. At first he was sweet but then he turned. He would hit her, abuse her in every way possible. When I found out I convinced her to go the police and he was arrested."
Alesha sat up from where she was leant on me.
"How did you find out?"
Simons faces changed. The memory clearly pained him.
"I walked in on him kicking and hitting her. I scared him off but she was black and blue. She had bruises everywhere. Her apartment at the time had been trashed. After he was arrested she did everything to put it behind her."
Alesha trembled in my arms when a thought came to mind.
"If it's the same people, wouldn't they want to torture her in the worst way possible. Maybe make her relive painful memories."
Simon looked at me puzzled.
"Where are you going with this?"
"What if they took her back to the old apartment. Make her remember everything that happened. They would surely pain her to remember the things that happened thus making it a win for them."
"That's a good idea."
"I'm full of them."
We all stood up and raced for the car.

Simons POV
Alesha sat in the back with David and I drove as quickly as possible to the old apartment. When we arrived it was pitch black. After letting my eyes adjust to the darkness I managed to hook open the door with a paper clip. I walked in slowly, Alesha and David close behind. I had grabbed a knife from the kitchen before we left and had it ready in my hand. David had a knife also and alesha said she would punch them. I slowly opened the door to the living room and stood in shock at the sight in front of me.

Alemanda / always and foreverDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora