Where Is My Sock?

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“Sophie! Get up! You’ll be late for school if you don’t get ready now!”, shouted Sophie’s dad from the kitchen, cooking Sophie’s breakfast.

“Okay..”, Sophie mumbled as she struggled to get up from her bed as it was a chilly Winter morning.

Soon, Sophie got out of her cosy, warm bed by the help of the pouring light through the gaps of the white curtain. Sophie went into the bathroom to brush her teeth and to comb her hair into a ponytail for school. She got dressed very quickly into her sports uniform since it was a sports day. Sophie had even finished eating her breakfast that her dad made in five minutes.

 She was all ready to go to school after brushing her teeth and wearing her uniform. She just had to wear her socks and shoes. So when she opened the sock draw, she could find only one white sports sock that she usually wears to school and a blue sock that she only wears on Weekends. Sophie was surprised that she didn’t have a pair of white socks, she only had one of them! She wanted to ask her mum because she usually knew where it is but Sophie’s mum was at work that morning. “Sophie! Come on! Now you’re late for school. You don’t want to be more late than you are now, do you?”, called out Sophie’s dad from the front door.

“Dad! For some reason, I can’t find my other white sock!”, exclaimed Sophie from her bedroom upstairs.

“Well, you don’t have time to find it! Wear a different sock and come down quickly!”, Sophie’s dad shouted.

“Coming!”, Sophie exclaimed. So she decided to wear one of the blue socks with the odd white one since she had no other choice and also, her class teacher didn't like her being late to school for more than fifteen minutes. So she had to rush to get there no later.

Sophie quickly packed her school bag and climbed into the back of the black, shiny car. It only took Sophie five minutes to go school if her dad dropped her off. Unfortunately, she was twenty minutes late.

Soon, Sophie arrived at school, got out of the car, said bye to her dad then made a run to her classroom which was located in the worst position. It was the furthest classroom that was upstairs. She ran up the stairs and quickly made her way but when she opened the classroom door, her teacher, Mrs Hall didn't look pleased to be disrupted. 

“Sophie! You are 20 minutes late to school and you don’t even have your proper school uniform on! Blue and White socks?!”, Mrs Hall snapped at Sophie.

“Um… I couldn’t find my other sock in the morning…”, Sophie explained shyly. And as soon as she said that, the other students in the class started to giggle and smirk at her. Sophie felt her face blush and heat up.

“Sit down and start your work straight away.”, bellowed Mrs Hall.

Sophie sat down and at least ‘tried’ to finish some work. She couldn’t concentrate at the thought of many things. She was angry at Mrs Hall for shouting at her but mainly, Sophie couldn’t figure out exactly where her other white sock was. Surely she had more socks in the house!

For the whole day, Sophie couldn’t concentrate on anything. She just daydreamed, wondering where her sock was. Then, Mrs Hall got more annoyed at her for not being able to complete any of her work. Sophie's day just couldn't get any worse.

Soon enough, it was the end of school. Sophie got her bag and rushed out of school to find her mum with the car parked on the side of the street. Sophie ran towards the car, grabbed hold of the door and pulled it to open, slamming the door shut behind her. She made herself comfortable on the seat and then blurted out, “Mum! Do you know where my white socks are?”. 

“Whoa, calm down there honey. You haven’t even said Hi yet!”, replied Sophie’s mum, shocked at Sophie's impatience..

“Sorry… I’m just.. Yeah… Bad day”, murmured Sophie under her breath as she adjusted her seat belt. 

“Well, I thought I told you before all your white socks except for one was in the washing because I knew you would wear it today”, Sophie’s mum answered the question. 

That was when Sophie remembered what her mum had said before. So, now she knew where all her other socks were, she felt a sigh of relief. But now here was another question:

Where was her other white sock?

They arrived home and dad wasn’t there because straight after dropping Sophie off to school, he would go work and not come back until 6 at night.

“Sophie, why don’t you go check in your room for your white sock?”, Sophie’s mum suggested.

“Yeah I should”, answered Sophie as she hopped up the stairs to her bedroom. 

Sophie searched and looked for her missing white sock but no matter how much she tried, she just couldn’t find it.

“Mum, I just can’t find my sock”, Sophie complained with a desperate face.

“Well, have you tried looking under your bed? You find almost everything there if you lose something! It’s like your little Lost Property,” suggested Sophie’s mum.

“Oh yeah!! Why didn’t I think of that?? I think I was out of my mind and couldn’t think normally!”, exclaimed Sophie suddenly with a much happier facial expression at the thought of finding her lost sock.

Sophie sprinted up her stairs in two’s and checked under her bed hoping desperately to find her sock. Just at that moment, next to a box of her old clothes, she saw her white shade of colour and when Sophie reached out for it and dragged it out of the dusty dump and brought it up to the light where she could see it better, she saw that it was her white sock just with a lot of dust!! Sophie was joyful about the fact that she had found her lost sock! She never thought that finding a sock would make her day, but it certainly did for Sophie today. 

She smiled for the rest of the day and was extremely thankful to her mum who had helped her greatly.

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