I Don't Want To Go To The Dentist!

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“Here Maddy! Pass the ball here!”, Ella shouted across the crowded soccer field in a jam-packed school. Maddy gave Ella a nod then kicked the smooth, blue and white patterned soccer ball to Ella’s side. The ball flew over towards Ella but as she was about to hit it back with her head, she bumped into another player trying to kick the same ball, on the mouth and soon enough, it started to bleed. Out of great shock, Ella fell onto the ground heavily and her friends came up running towards her gasping.

“Are you okay Ella?”, asked Maddy. Ella nodded and replied that she just needed an icepack to place on her teeth for a while. Ella walked up to the Sick Bay near the School Administration Office to ask for an icepack. Soon, she got given it and sat down with her icepack placed on her mouth.

“Would you like to give your parents a call if you want to go home earlier and take a rest?”,asked the friendly Office Lady.                                                                                                                              “Uh.. Sure. Thanks.”, Ella answered as she got the phone and dialed her mum’s numbers one by one remembering each of the digits slowly. She knew she couldn’t call her dad because he would be busy working in his office right now. “Hello..?’, Ella called out to the other end of the phone.

“Hi, this is Chloe. Who am I speaking to?”, Ella’s mum questioned.

“Hey mum this is Ella. Well, I hurt myself during lunchtime… Could you pick me up and take me home early?”, suggested Ella.

“Why? What happened there??”, asked Chloe shocked to hear a bad news.

“No.. Mum I’m fine. Just a little injury, nothing serious. I’ll tell you at home”, replied Ella with a cringed smile.

“Ok then.. Well, I’ll see you at the school gates in ten minutes, okay?”, said Chloe with a concerned look on her anxious face.

“Thanks mum! Bye! See you soon”, exclaimed Ella and she hung up, gave the School Phone back to the Office Lady with a smile then waited patiently for her mum to come pick her up.

Ten minutes later, Ella got in the car with her school bag as her mum approached the Kiss & Ride next to the school.

“So Ella, are you really okay? What happened?”, questioned Ella’s mum.

“I was just playing soccer on the field with a lot of people and when I tried to pass the ball to my other player, I bumped into this person that was playing too”, Ella responded as she pointed to her mouth that stopped bleeding after a few minutes since when the accident happened.

“That must have hurt Ella… I think it is better to get a check-up done at the dentist tomorrow”, suggested Chloe.

Ella's heart sunk to the very bottom when she found out that she was going to have to go to the dentist. She decided to make up some excuse to not go to the dentist. Ella tried to persuade her mum that her teeth were fine and didn't ache at all. Although, Ella's mum wasn't convinced in enough to change her mind. 

Soon, they arrived home and Ella's actions were normal but her mind was anxious and boggled by the thought of having to go to the dentist.

"RINNNNGG!", the school bell rang in time for lunch. Ella and her friends walked to the soccer field. "I have to go to the dentist tomorrow for a check-up on my teeth", Ella moaned at the thought of it. Ella's friends were surprised. "Why do you look unhappy? I like going to the dentist!", the friends exclaimed.

"It's just... When I was younger, I went to the dentist and I don't know what exactly they did, but it bled quite a lot and I'm just scared to go now...", Ella explained. 

"Don't worry Ella! You will be fine! It's not as scary as you think it is there", the friends soothed Ella. "Well, I hope so...", commented Ella quietly.

It was one bright, early morning when Ella woke up to go to the dentist with her mum. She was worried and frightened to go for a check-up today. To try and make time go faster, Rlla took a very loonnggg time getting dressed, eating breakfast, brushing her teeth and getting into the car.

Finally, Ella and her mum got inside the car and drove to the dentist. When they arrived there, Ella saw the doctors with white gowns smiling. That made her feel a tiny bit better since they didn't look very scary. Ella sat on a chair and waited for her name to be called out to go in the doctor's room. Ella thought of all the worst possibilities that could happen and cringed at the thought of each. In the middle of her frightening thoughts, Ella's name was called out very clearly by a gentle-looking doctor. Ella didn't look up when her name got called and hoped that the doctor wouldn't notice her. Although, Ella's mum dragged Ella into the consulting room to get the check-up. She got forced to sit up on the blue chair that leans back. Her heart was palpitating very loud.

"What's your name?", asked the doctor smiling kindly. 

"Uhh....El...Ella", replied Ella her voice trembling.

"Hello Ella, today we will just be checking on how your teeth are doing. It's nothing scary so, nothing to worry about!", the doctor said.

"Ella, could you say 'Ahh' for me please with your mouth opened as big as you can?", asked the doctor. 

"Ah..Ahhh", Ella spoke with her mouth opened wide.

After some fidgeting with silver tools in Ella's mouth, the doctor exclaimed that there was nothing wrong with Ella's teeth at the moment, and it was all fine.

Ella was relieved by the comment and she felt joy rushing over her body. She couldn't wait to tell her friends of what happened today. 

On the way home, in their shiny, black car, Ella's mum questioned Ella on how the dentist was to her today. Ella responded with a smile on her face, "It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be actually!" Ella's mum chuckled and smiled broadly. "Ella!!", Ella's friends called out her name across the street from school.

"Oh hey!", Ella shouted happily.

Ella's friends walked over the road when the lights turned green. 

"How was your dentist appointment?", Maddy asked. 

Ella grinned and said, "It was quite..... Better than I expected!" 

"Haha I told you so!", exclaimed Maddy.

Ella admitted that she would be fine in her next dentist appointment. She would actually like her dentist appointments! 

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