Chapter Twenty-Three

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Finding Baylee

Chapter Twenty-Three

                                                        Sunday 10th of August – Maine USA

Pulling up at the hospital, and I limp my way in. "Hello how may I help you" the triage nurse ask in emergency.

"Um, hi I was wondering if you could tell me where Brady Johnson is" She softly smiles looking it up.

"Only family members at the moment"

"He's my brother"

She nods, "right, just go up to second floor, and they will tell you were to go" I nod a thank you before walking my way to the elevator.

"You okay" I look over at Danny nodding.

"I'm fine a little scared" I say he nods kissing the top of my head. Daniel grabs my hand as the elevator door opens. There are police everywhere, they are probably waiting for my brother to get out to "Good afternoon, how can I help" the lady says as we step up to the counter.

"Hi, I was wondering if you could lead me to where my brother is. Brady Johnson" She looks at me with sympathy, making me complete scare.

"Of course sweetie, he has been in operation for about an hour and believe me it will be awhile wait. Mrs. Johnson is waiting in the hall outside his room." She looks at the computer screen "room 2b12" the lady points down to the hall.

I run down there, ignoring the pain "Thank you" I hear Daniel say following me

"Baylee" I see my mum, I run up to her hugging her.

"Are you okay" I ask pulling back, I see the bruises over her face and arms. "I'm so sorry mum, if I was there..." I tail off

"No don't think like that I'm fine I really am, now let's sit down and wait for Brady" She says sitting me down next to her, than she looks at Daniel "you sit down to" she smile, Daniel looks shocked but, takes a seat next to me.

I rest my head on Daniel shoulder, feeling sick every time I see a doctor.

                                                                       4 hours later

"How long is the operation going to be" I ask

"I am not sure maybe another hour, sorry sweetie, but that's all I know" I nod turning around

He has been in there for five hours, five hours of total misery. No one has come to talk to us. I begin walking back to my seat when suddenly all these doctors run past me and my stomach drops. I stop and turn around seeing the surgeon and a bed with my brother lying in it "Wait what's happening" My mum ask.

"Get that man out of here" I look down the hall seeing a man getting taken away by police "Where losing him" The surgeon yells, as they push him into the next room, why was he out of the operation room anyway?  I look at my mum seeing her breaking down, before running into the room, seeing my brother laying there looking half dead. "Miss you can't be in here" the nurse says, I shake my head. Feeling arms wrap around me.

"Sweet pea" Daniel says sitting back down me on his lap, I hug into him. "Calm down" he says as I sob. "Shhh" he tries to quite me down.

"He is practically all I have left" I sob; he doesn't say anything just hugs me. "What's going on Danny" I whisper when I calmed down a bit"

"I don't know Bay" He says staring at the door.

"Mrs. Johnson" We all jump up staring at the surgeon "now I will explain what happened; we got out of surgery everything was going fine, when a mad man starts attacking the bed. We got the man out but Brady having the cords pulled out didn't do any good.  He is stable now"

"David" The surgeon looks towards the nurse "the police want to have a chat with you about Mr. and Mr. Johnson. 

He nods looking a back to us "If you will excuse me" he asks.

"Wait" David looks back to us "when can we see him"

"Oh you may go in now" David says, walking away. I stand up holding Danny hand and begin to walk in. I see my brother lying in bed hooked up to cords. Daniel puts an arm around my waist as we stand next to his bed. 

                                                                               Hour later

"I'm fine Baylee, go back on your holiday" He says waving at me. I shake my head

"No, not happening" I say sighing. I can't believe he would say that.

"There you go Brad" My mum says showing him the bag and placing it on the floor "where you going out, cause it was packed" she ask, making him nod.

"Trey and I were going to go visit some people, which reminds me can I have my bag please" He ask, making my mum pick it up. He pulls out a wrapped box.  I smile "Happy birthday Baylee" He looks around realizing everyone is here "you might not want to open it yet" He states, I look at the wrapped present than back to him nodding.

I sit down on the seat beside the bed. My mum went to get something to drink while Daniel went to call someone "Are you okay Baylee" I look up at my brother nodding. He looks at me than begins to smirk. "My sister got laid" He sings, I go bright red glaring at him. He just smirks.

"Shut up" I growl making him laugh.

"It's quite oblivious you are hobbling around and I can't even tell you off cause your 18, but I knew it will happen one day I ju..."

"Okay I get it shut up now" I say he laughs,

"God I love ya little sis" He smile grabbing my hand pulling me into a hug. I really hope he will be okay and live though this I mean I know he will live , I just...I won't be able to live without my brother.

"Love you too bro"

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Finding Baylee ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora