"Just having some fun," a smirk plays on his plump lips making me gulp.

"Let go of me. Don't you have some other whore to have fun with?," I spat angrily, his brow raising in surprise.

"I didn't know you had that kind of mouth," he grins, "care to show me what you can do with it?"

I grit my jaw, "You disgusting asshole."

His smirk grows wider with me having the urge to wipe it off his face. My eyes drop from his gaze to look behind him, the shadows growing larger.

"Oh Beau, you got a good one."

"So are we going to have some fun or what?" Another voice spoke causing me to slightly whimper.

He had a lip and a nose ring which obviously added to the bad boy look they all had going on. These boys did look familiar but I couldn't put my finger around it. I suddenly started to shiver. What were these boys going to do to me? I felt so helpless.

"Please don't," I plead but snickers and laughs were all that fills my ears. Beau's grip tightens around my arm making me gasp slightly at his sudden action.

"What shall we do with her?" Beau whispers, his green eyes glistening. He places his other hand onto my thigh making me fidget by his touch.

"Oh come on baby don't be like that."

"Get off me!" I scream.

The shock that was evident on their faces almost made me laugh but they still continued to erupt in laughter every time I tried to make them stop. I push his arm off of me and try to get past him but it only takes a second for him to grab me and push my body back onto the wall, this time harder making my breath hitch.

Beau leans in and starts to kiss my neck. I felt my eyes burn but I didn't let the tears slip, I was not ready to show them how weak I really was, even though I was not thinking straight because of the amount of alcohol I had consumed. I didn't want to get used today and I was silently praying it wouldn't lead to anything like that.

"Stop, please stop," I mumble softly.

"Why is she so weak?" Another boy says from behind, "she certainly should of reacted worse than what she's acting like now."

"She's drunk Daniel."

"Hmm I guess that explains it," he hums in response.

"Please don't do anything," I repeat over and over but I knew that they wouldn't listen.

"Too late baby, I promise I'll make this unforgettable," Beau replies back. In that moment a scream leaves my lips but soon is muffled by Beau's hand covering my quivering lips.

"For a drunk girl, she really knows how to scream."

"What the fuck is going on?" I hear a harsh, yet soft and gentle voice say form behind. Beau's hands instantly leave me as his eyes fill with worry. I glance around to see where the voice had spoken from. My vision was slightly blurred because of the tears but once my eyes landed on his, my vision stabilised.

He was breathtakingly gorgeous. His hazel brown hair was messily swept to the side. He had an eyebrow piercing that complemented his beautiful brown eyes. He looked very similar to the other boy with the lip piercing; I assumed that they were twins.

"Nothing, we we're jus--"

"You were just what?" He spits annoyingly.

Beau straightens up and tilts his head down to look away. The boy sighs shaking his head while walking my way. He grabs hold onto my arm and I flinch back. His eyes gaze into mine for a second and I could tell in that moment that he didn't want to hurt me.

"What did I tell you about doing this," he states harshly. The others back off and quiet down.

"We, we weren't thinking," one of them replies making him scoff.

"You never fucking think, that's the problem here."

"Sorry Jai," they all mumble.

"Just leave and go back to the base before I fucking say or do something I will later on regret," Jai hisses at them. The four of them seeming to completely back away now. I quickly rubbed away my fallen tears.

"I'll call a cab to take you home" Jai informs, his voice sweet. I nod, slightly confused as to why he was helping me.

"I'm sorry about them, they... they are quite a handful," he sighs.

"Sorry doesn't take away the fear I have going on now," I whisper, my voice cracking.

We stop walking when we come across a road. I was shivering and I probably had tearstains down my face. A sigh leaves his lips as we both walk down the stupid alleyway.

"T-thank you," I stutter,

He gives me a small smile but it soon disappears. His eyes scan my shivering arms. He unzipped his jacket and places it around me.


"Shh, just take it. You're shivering."

I send him a slight smile while rubbing my tired eyes.

"I guess your cab is here."

I nod and open the cab door.

"I'll see you around," he says. Before he could turn on his heel to leave my lips part to speak.

"Wait" I shout. He turns around fully facing me now. There was something to him that I just couldn't wrap my finger around.

"Do I know you, you seem really familiar? I ask

"Yeah babe, I'm Jaidon Brooks," he smirks slightly before turning on his heel walking further and further away from me. I drag my tired body into the cab and slam the door. I let out a huge sigh and run my fingers through my hair. I snuggle into the jacket leaning my head against the window while closing my eyes, my thoughts suddenly clicking. His name was familiar, his friends were familiar and their actions were also familiar. They were the people that everyone feared and stayed away from.

They were the group of boys who dropped out of school and got into fights every once and a while. To my surprise Jai happened to be the leader of "The Gang" as that is what the boys were known as. I slowly rub my temples, telling the driver the directions to my house. This didn't feel real at all. I've heard many stories about them and it just confuses me on why Jai had helped me... Possibly saved me from his own gang. He's a bad boy and a player which gets me wondering if he does actually have a soft heart because of what he had done moments ago. This all confused me way too much that I wasn't ready to handle them bunch again.

But would I ever see them again?


I tried to make it different from my other stories, hope it worked.


The Gang // Jai BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now