eunyoung's journal (1)

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(Just as a note, there will be extra-characters added in that will play as friends and family. Also the apartment building was supposed to be located in Incheon. I clearly did not make that clear so now it's set in Seoul lmao. )

"Did you know that 8,000 people die from alcohol every year?"

It was the fifth time dad has said that over the phone. I just moved to South Korea so I could study at Hanlim Multi-art School. My name is Kim Eun-Young and I don't know how I'm going to convince my dad that this was a good idea. I've been saving up since I was 10 to move to South Korea. I left Canada last night with my father's permission.

"How is that relevant to this conversation. " I said. I held the phone up to my ear as I threw my suitcase down on my bed. I ended up moving into a super cheap apartment. There were multiple bedrooms but limited furniture.

"but what if you do to pArtiEs? I cant let my perfect daughter die from alcohol poisoning! You already went to parties in Canada but of course, I monitored through the window with binoculars. I cant do that if you're in Seal! I didn't think this through! Why did I let you gooOOoOoOo?"

wait what was that about monitoring through the window

I loudly sighed into the phone, "I'm not going to be drinking alcohol! I never do! Also, it's pronounced Seoul!" I paused for a moment, "Wait. Aren't you Korean???"

"Okay! Okay! I'm just making sure you're fine! Call me every night! Don't hang-out with boys! Love you!! Have fun in Seal!" He babbled. He immediately ended the call after he stopped speaking.

I told one of my older siblings that I was going to South Korea. They actually recommended the apartment building to me.

I can't stop thinking about it. Was this a bad idea? I'm 16, my dad can drag me back to Canada anytime he wants. I packed everything I could in my bags. I even took a couple of spoons from home. It wasn't like I decided on the spot, I've been planning it out since I was little.

but... was this a bad idea?

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

There were a couple of knocks on the door. It's around six in the afternoon and it isn't dark outside. I don't think the apartments had doorbells. Maybe that was why it was so cheap.

I opened the door and a face greeted me. He was a good couple of inches taller than me. He was pretty cute too.. "Hello! I saw that you've recently moved in! Welcome to Apartment A. I'm on the fourth floor. I actually brought some cranberry muffins, they're home-made." He said while smiling.

pretend that you like cranberries
pretend that you like cranberries
pretend that you like cranberries
pretend that you like cranberries

"Thanks! I love cranberries!"

hah nailed it

"exCuSe mE? I made those! Stop taking credit!"

Turns out there was another boy behind him. He was a tad bit shorter than the first guy but he was still taller than me. His korean was a little iffy, but you could tell he knew some of it. I know Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and English. After a few languages you can start to tell if other people are speaking their native language. He clearly wasn't though.

"My name is Hyunbin, you can call me Bin." The first guy said, he stuck out his hand and I shook it. The other guy wasn't looking towards me, he was looking directly at Hyunbin. He nudged Hyunbin in the shoulder a few times. "Oh and this is Felix. He's kind of shy." He laughed.

The boy named Felix started to tug on Hyunbin's shirt. It was obvious that he wanted to leave.

It was quiet for a moment until I whispered, "Are you two.. dating?". There were signs. They would probably look cute together.

Felix turned red. Blood started rushing up to his cheeks. He looked like a tomato. Like the balloon from It. He was that balloon. You could practically feel him panicking.

Hyunbin started to laugh, "Nope. We're just friends."

"Yeah. Just friends, that's how it's always going to be." Felix said with a stutter in his voice. He gave off a sad smile and looked down at his feet. I wonder how long they've both lived here. It must get boring because they took time out of their day to make me cranberry muffins. I don't think either of them even live on the same floor as me. The only people I've seen so far was these two, the land-lady, and a family of four. Hyunbin is pretty cute, a lot better looking than all the people back in Canada.

I laughed and inched closer to Hyunbin, "So.. are you single?"

"Uh yeah, I am actually."

"So," I paused and took his hand, ",Binbin-- do you want to stay for a little bit?". I looked directly into his eyes and pulled him closer to the doorway.

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