Snatcher x Female!Reader

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So this is a nice request I got. It's not really a romantic story but more of a besties oneshot with our favorite noodle. I did call him the prince for a while because he's fresh dead out of Vanessa's cellar, and doesn't have his alias of Snatcher, but don't worry, that doesn't last forever. This was requested by AnginaofTheSun and the art is by digiturtlearts (go check them out)!

(Y/N) = Your Name
(H/C) = Hair Color
(H/L) = Hair Length
(F/C) = Favorite Color
(F/C) = Favorite Style
(N/N) = Nick Name

Narrator's POV
'What happened?!' Is all he can think as he flees the manor. The prince is scared out of his mind as he floats through the icy wonderland that used to be Vanessa's kingdom. It was horrifying.

'Is Vanessa okay- no, she left me to die. Why should I care about her...but why do I still care?' He continued to float away from her mansion and into the icy wonderland, hate and sadness clouding his mind.

He searched high and low, but he couldn't find any signs of life, or so he thought. "This isn't fair... This isn't fair, this isn't fair!" the prince roared, covering his face as his body produces a firery blast, melting the area around him. He looks up, glancing around at the no longer icy terrain. "...Did I do that?"

The prince had no time to think about that, as what looked to be a whisp with a mask of the children flew by him. He quickly followed it, trying to converse with it. It never answered him, but instead stopped at a shivering figure who had seemed to be previously frozen.

The prince bends down, picking up the small female's form. She had (H/L) (H/C) hair, and a simple torn (F/C) dress that reached her knees. She huddled up against the prince, glancing up at him. He recognized you almost instantly. You were (Y/N), that girl who was always laid back but could pull a mean prank if it meant emtertaining the children. He had always found watching you entertain the kids a pleasure.

"(Y/N)... Hang on, kiddo." He murmured, setting off into the forest, unfreezing whatever he could along the way, all the whisps following him. He was going to fix all of this, and take this land back from Vanessa.


A large amount of time has passed since the prince, or Snatcher, has found you and escaped from Vanessa. After reviving you, you tried your best to help Snatcher in any way you could to return what is now Subcon Forest to it's former glory. That plan didn't exactly succeed, but it turned out well in the end. The whisps, who now got the nickname dwellers, were the young kids who swarmed the village. Snatcher did all he could to put them in bodies of dolls, creating the mischievous yet playful sunconites you entertained to this day. Speaking of you, you did your best to help Snatcher get over Vanessa, and in turn, he let you become somewhat of a permanent guest in his home. It was easy to tell that you two had become the best of friends.

Of course, as soon as Snatcher found he can eat souls, and he has a big appetite, he took yours out of your body and told you to seal it away where no one would find it. He'd hate to eat his best friend's soul just to satisfy his hunger. He also found a way to enchant your body so you wouldn't age. It would suck if your body just up and died on you, leaving Snatcher alone.

You were currently found walking towards Snatcher's tree home, rocking a (F/S) outfit Snatcher made you himself. You knocked on the bark of the tree, waiting patiently to be invited inside. Snatcher looks up and grins. "Hey (N/N), what's up?" he says, waving you inside.

"Sup Snatchy boi" You greet him, hopping right in. Nobody would get away with calling Snatcher that, but you were a special case, being his BFF and all.

"I just saw some poor Mafia dude in your forest. I think he's positively clueless!" You tell him, knowing Snatcher always gets excited when there's the possibility of getting a soul involved.

Snatcher grins, closing the book he was reading and floated out of his chair. "Thanks, (N/N). I don't know what I'd do without you. Now come on! I want you to help me this time!" He says, floating out of his tree home with you trailing behind.

'I don't think I'd rather have it any other way' You think. You're happy and he's happy to have a friend like you.


Whew I hope this one was good! I hope you all enjoyed it and have a great day!

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