Bonding with Each Other (Multi-part Story)

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Adam's POV

I woke with everything being a blur. I looked next to me and saw James sleeping next to me. Once I saw him I remembered everything, the song, him with my sweater,the kiss. It all came back to me. I just let him sleep while I got breakfast. I was eating my bagels until James woke up. We weren't that far away. I was just on the next bed. ( Didn't want him walking on the street in front of fans. )

"Hey Adam. You sleep well?" he asked

"Yeah. But it doesn't sound like you did."

"Oh I stayed up a later."

"Oooo~ Were you thinking about me?"

"'ll never know."

We laughed it off. James never lost his sense of humor even when he was clearly tired.

"But for real. I stayed up because I had some more trouble sleeping again. I'm really scared and I don't know why."

"You don't think....I scared you right? Our kiss last night. Maybe it's my fault." I said. I really was worried about James. I really liked him and I wanted us to be together but not when he's suffering because of me.

"No! Adam I liked you for a long time and I don't think one kiss is going to scare me. And it wouldn't be your fault." he said coming out of bed and sitting next to me.

"Thanks" I said.


When James got out of the bathroom I was eating a delicious bananer.

"Didn't you already eat breakfast?" he asked.

"I wanted a bananer." I replied taking another bite of my yellow boomerang of deliciousness.

"It's it called a banana?"

"No it's called a bananer! One of the best foods on Earth, the greatest fruits ever, the thing that would set me off as a kid."

"I know. And it's called a banana."

"Look you say tomato, I say tomater."

"That's not how the saying goes."

"Whatever dude. Just tell me when your ready."

"Ok." James said grabbing my hand and bringing me outside the hotel. I didn't think about where he was taking me I just went along with him till we got to a grocery store.

Finally I asked. " Uh James. Where the heck are we going? I didn't get to finish my bananer!

"Well I needed a few things and I wanted you to come with me. Plus it's still a little early for Vidcon and no one else is outside yet so now would be a good time." I agreed and we went inside.

James picked up some cereal and some milk and I grabbed another bunch of bananers. "See Adam, there called bananas." James said pointing at the sign. "They made a mistake." I said jokingly.

We brought everything back to the hotel and I texted a few friends. We had a few things to do like meeting up with fans and going to another event.

"Hey James do you wanna get some sleep before we head out. We can be a little late."

"No I really want to see everyone."

"Are you sure?"



We spent a long time talking to everyone. It was the biggest event I've ever been in and this wasn't even my first time here. I saw James singing Life Is Fun with a few fans.

"Hey guys we got some people who want picture with all of us." Jaiden said. Jaiden, James, Maz, Tom, and I got together and took a picture. I grabbed James hand during the photo. I could tell by how he smiled at me. We were all having a great time and we went to get some lunch.

"Where do you guys wanna go?" I asked.

"How about we go to a food truck?" Maz suggested.

We all agreed and went to the food truck. I payed for all the food and we sat down together. Just as I was about to was I felt something leaning against me. It was James. He tired himself out and he feel asleep.

"Looks like you have a little friend." Tom said.

I smiled. "Yeah. I do."

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