The Most Exciting Vidcon (Multi-part Story)

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Adam's POV

I forgot that I had to memorize the words to Life is Fun. I wasn't 100% prepared but I wasn't planning to let James down. I had to go on no matter what. James and I were planned to share a hotel with each other. "I'll check us in and I'll meet you there."
James agreed and I went to the hotel.

When I came back I found James surrounded by his fans. A few we're even crying at the sight of him. I was just looking at all the people who came out to see him. I decided not to bother James with his fans just as I did I got spotted myself.

"Adam!" Jaiden said.

"Oh hey Jaiden! What are you doing here?" I asked.

"It's Vidcon. I said I was coming."

"Oh yeah." I say stupidly. How could I forget that Jaiden was coming to Vidcon? I'm a fricken idiot.

"Looks like James got mobbed." she said jokingly.

"Well did you?"

"I've gotten noticed but not the hole thing like James. What about you? Don't you got some fans?"

"Oh yeah. I'm just gonna wait for James."

"You guys sharing a room?"

"Yep. It's pretty nice."

"Mind if I stick around?"


We walked out to see James but just as we did more people surrounded us screaming and crying. I didn't mind though I enjoy my fans. Jaiden seemed a bit overwhelmed by the hole thing. We had to run because we had a performance to get to. It was pretty fun. I really enjoyed it.

James's POV

The day was really fun but it was just the first day. I couldn't wait for the rest. "Hey Adam. Thanks for preforming for with me. This really ment a lot to me." He smiled at me and said "No prob James."

When he was out of the room I noticed one of his Common Sense sweaters were there. It looked so comfy and I just wanted to try one. I put on the sweater and it felt really nice. I talked to myself in the mirror. "Aww don't you look adorable." I tell myself. "Your a handsome little guy aren't you. These are really great sweaters. No wonder Adam looks so cute in them."

"Did you just-"

I looks at Adam staring back at me. "Adam! I'm so sorry." I quickly take off the sweater.

"You though I looked cute?"

I felt myself starting to blush. No, I mean yes, not in that way I......" I looked at Adam as he sat in front of me on the bed. I came clean and I just had to well him.

"Adam.....? I"

I expected him to get mad at me or yell but he just smiled at me. "I like you too James."

I looked up in shock. "Wait, and you said nothing."

"Well I'm sorry I didn't expect to walk in and see you in my sweater talking to yourself."

"That's fair" I said laughing. He laughed too and we just sat there.

A few minutes of silence later and I find myself leaning closer to Adam. "Uh....James?" he asked. "What are you doing?" "Leaning on to you."

He rapped his arm around me and he kissed me. When I opened I my eyes I noticed his tail wagging back and forth like a tail. "Adam? Are you part dog?"

He looked confused. "No. How the frick would I be a dog?"

"Why is your tail wagging?" I asked

"Reasons." he pouted.

I just started laughing and I kissed him again.

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