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corbyn's p.o.v

zach and i wake up to eben shaking us.

" corbyn. zach. sam and colby are downstairs. " he said. zach groans and i sit up.

" what eben? " zach asked in his morning voice which is hot.

" sam and colby are downstairs. " he says before walking out. zach and i looked at eachother then walked downstairs.

" colby/sam? " we asked at the same time. sam and colby smile and we pull them into hugs.

" w-what are ya doing here? i thought ya were in Kansas for the month" i said having them come inside.

" we were but we decided to come back earlier cause we have to ask you guys something. " colby said. zach and i looked at eachother then back at sam and colby.

" shoot. " zach says. colby gulps and looks at sam.

" uh. we were wondering if you guys wanna move into the trap house with us. " sam says.

" um yeah but what about eben? and don't the girls live with you guys? why don't ya move into here? " i said. colby looks at me.

" wait really? " he asked. zach and i nod.

" there's 10 bed rooms here so that way eben won't live alone and we each get our own rooms unless the girls are sharing with you guys. " zach said.

" yeah actually. there's 5 of us but only sam's, corey's and aaron's girlfriends live with us. " colby said.

" wait so you and jake are single? " i said. colby nodded.

" okay. sounds like a plan? " sam said. we nod.

" yeah. move in whenever. " i said. they smile and colby takes out the camera and starts recording.

" okay the real reason we're back. witches forest. most haunted forest in Los Angeles. down to go? " colby asked. we nod.

" good we're leaving in 10 minutes and are gonna try to staying over night. " sam says laughing.

" WHAT? " we yell standing up.

" yeah. go now!! " they said. we rush upstairs and start packing a bag.

" hey eben. we'll be with sam and colby for the next few days and they're moving in if that's fine with you. " i said. he nods.

" okay. bye. who ever you have over make sure they don't break anything. " zach said running down the stairs. i grab our camera and we run to sam and colby. we all get into the car and get corey and jake. after getting them we start driving to the forest.

" What's up its Zach and Corbyn " i said.

" So today were with sam, colby, corey and jake at this witch forest which i don't know why it's called that wanna explain why we're here guys? " zach says facing the others.

" yeah so basically this girl named Jennifer said her grandpa had a cabin in these woods and apparently people died in it. " sam said. our jaws drop and we look at the camera.

" wait but is that why it's called witches forest? cause of all the deaths? " corey asked.

" yeah actually but it's not only that. it's also because of all the people that like do awful like saint rituals and shit like that. " colby said.

" so technically we're going into a haunted forest where we can literally die? " jake says. sam and colby nod.

" alright cool let's go. " he says. we all laugh and start walking. we get to the middle of the forest and set up a tent. we sit inside without the camera on then i heard a growl.

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