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Two weeks passed since Keith came out to Shiro and Allura found out. They had had another mission since then, this one wasn't so easy.

Lance was sitting in the infirmary with Allura. Keith was in a healing pod after getting shot.

And Lance felt like it was all his fault.

Lance had left his position, running out before Shiro gave the call. At least thirty sentries surrounded him. Keith came out to help immediately. He was shot within minutes, he was focusing more on offense than defense and didn't use his shield. He took out about five sentries before he was hit in the back, then again in the front. Lance managed to take out the rest of the sentries on his own, getting shot in the leg in the process. They were lucky Lance was such a good marksman and never missed a shot. Though, he couldn't get them to safety with his leg injured, so he just had to sit there covering them while they waited for help to come. Shooting at anyone who came near while doing the best to keep pressure on Keith's wounds, not caring about his own.

Lance was in the pod for a fraction of the time Keith had been in so far. It was his recklessness that had caused that situation but he made it out with the least injuries. It just didn't seem fair. He should be in that pod right now, not Keith. And that's why Lance refused to leave the infirmary, not even to eat.

But he wasn't alone at this moment, Allura had come to bring him lunch. She was sat next to him, the two eating together.

"I know this is hard for you. But you mustn't keep doing this to yourself. Keith would be very upset if he knew you were neglecting yourself like this."

"I'm not neglecting anything."

Allura sighed, "Go sleep, Lance."

Lance shook his head, setting aside his now empty bowl, "I've been sleeping, I sleep right here. I'm eating, you know that for yourself since you insist on eating with me. I'm fine."

"You are not fine. You're eating yourself alive with guilt."

"I should feel guilty!" Lance clenched his fist before he took a deep breath, calming himself back down, "It's my fault he got shot. He was covering for me. I ran out before Shiro told me to because I thought I saw a good opening, Keith tried to stop me but I went anyway. I'm just such an idiot!"

Allura put her arm around him, "Don't say such negative things about yourself. We all hate hearing those words coming from your mouth, especially Keith."

Lance looked at her, "Why do you keep doing that?"

"Doing what?"

"Keith wouldn't like this, Keith wouldn't like that."

"He's obviously the only thing on your mind right now. And I'm obviously not going to be able to convince you to go to your room on my own."

Lance rolled his eyes, "Well, you can stop. I don't give a damn if Keith wouldn't like me sitting here all the time. His stubborn ass can suck it up."

Allura chuckled, "You're just as stubborn, you do realize that?"

"Yeah, well, maybe that's why we didn't get along."

"You get along now, you get along wonderfully. He sure must care for you if he ran out to save you like that. No hesitation, putting himself on the line to save you. He's so brave and strong. He's just amazing. So stoic."

Lance narrowed his eyes at her, "What are you talking about?"

"I just think Keith is a wonderful person, don't you agree?"

"Do you have a crush on him or something?"

Allura started laughing, removing her arm from Lance's shoulder, "Me? Crushing on Keith? How ridiculous! I just admire him as a paladin. He performs the role remarkably."

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