'Forget them for a second what the hell was that dream?'

'Did you imagine yourself a body?'

'No, I've always just seen myself one with you.'

'Who the hell is GGD? Who the hell is 'U'?' Tanner was starting to get frustrated.

'I have to tell you something,' Randall started. 'I've been feeling disconnected from you lately, like something or someone has been pulling me.'

'What do you mean by that?' Tanner started to panic a little.

'It's a fuzziness that I'm starting to feel even yesterday I found myself somewhat blocked from you. It's been happening ever since we first met Marie. Some days I couldn't even talk to you. Do you think it has something to do with GGD?'

'Maybe.' Tanner said then was instantly pulled away. Marie had pulled herself closer to him. He felt his nerves go away but the thoughts still lingered. Then a vibration from his phone it was a text from his grandfather Nigel.

"See me as soon as possible." It said. Whenever his grandfather called he knew it was important. Nobody really cared for scientist they were so protected no one really knew any modern scientist. It's almost like they didn't exist and he knew his grandfather was one of those scientists that were heavily protected. His grandfather had more money than him and he was a billionaire. Yet, his grandfather didn't spoil the family he made every last one of his children and grandchildren work for what they wanted. He didn't have time for the family name to be ruined because his family wanted to be spoiled brats. He wanted the name Ayers to be seen as a hardworking family.

He would go see him tomorrow and advise Marie to stay home until he got back. She hasn't even met his immediate family yet. And He doesn't know what the other's have planned he didn't need anything popping off while he was gone.


"She feels comfortable with him," Ang started to pace. "This is bad."

"Look at what you did!" Ariri fussed. "You didn't tell me you put her in a two-month coma!" She pulled up her medical record looking at all the injuries her son had done. "You are worse than I thought...you could have killed her."

"I just didn't want her to go," Ang said. "She was planning to leave me and I was trying to convince her to stay. I know I did something I'm not proud of but she was leaving to go with her mother. I hate her mother always trying to manipulate her.."

"She was trying to save her from you! How am I supposed to convince her now to be without family!" Ariri yelled. "You might as well move on!"

"I will not! This is her ring!" Ang pulled out the ring from his shirt. "I didn't even ask her to marry me. I know I practically forced this ring on her finger but Dad—"

"That's how we got to this point because of your father! You weren't supposed to follow his footsteps."

"Why did you stay with him if his ways were wrong!?"

"I made a vow, our family doesn't believe in divorce. That was my mistake and you have developed a bad habit from him." Ariri said.

"The way he protected her, I refuse for her to marry him," Ang said.

"Hush, let me think," Ariri said. "If her mother is the problem let me talk to her."

"It's not just the mother, it's him, and Xavier I remember him from the pictures she had when I first met her." Ang sat down and thought back to when he found her single. They had gone to the same college all three of them. She had just broken up with Xavier it was fresh. He found her outside at a bond fire burning pictures.

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