Adventures with BakaMiao 2

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Law: What?

Me: You're such a big boy now *pouts and pinches his cheeks*

Law: Stop that! *slaps my hands away*

Me: *fakes cry the suddenly, remembers something* Oh ya!

Law: What? Another surprise birthday attack that will eventually kill me

Me: C'mon! Why are you so overprotective over yourself! I just need to check my list of things... *takes out checkboard and pen and place it in between my teeth* Telling Law it's his birthday, check and... Yeah! *brings checkboard behind my back* I want to imtroduce you, *draws curtains* 7animefan7!

7animefan7: Hey minna-san! *waves*

Me: I'm so glad that you're in our show!!

Law: Wait, this is a show?!

Me: Not really... *clears throat and brings checkboard infront of my face* next up is... Ah! Law, you'll love this surprise!

Law: is it leaving this room?

Me: Of course not you Trafucker! Let's present, Yuki!!!

Yuki: *walks infront of Law with something behind her back* Hi Law-sama! *giggles*

Law: *speechless*

Yuki: *looks at me* are you sure that I look okay in this?

Me: don't worry!

Law: *stands up and hugs Yuki, causing her to jump in shock* You look great, Yuki.

Yuki: R-Really?

Law: Yeah, I was shock because I thought you were someone else.

Yuki: *blushes and pulls Law back* I brought you something! *she gave Law a goodie bag*

Law: I wonder what's ins-

Yuki: *slaps his hands from opening the gift* don't open it now!

Law: *chuckles* haha alright alright.

Me and 7animefan7: Aww...

Kid: Lucky boy, tch.

Me: Don't worry Kid, I'll surprise you on your birthday...

Kid: Is it gonna be Emiko?!

Me: Maybe... *winks*

Kid: that means I have to wait for... *counts on his fingers* 3 Months?!

Me: it's either you wait or get nothing.

Kid: Fine, fine...

7animefan7: It's fun joining your room but I have to go now...

Me: NO! STAY PLEASE! ;A; *holds your leg so you can't get away >:D*

7animefan7: Okay okay...

Me: *looks at Law* look at them, such cute couple... And that reminds me *slouch to a corner and a depressed aura surrounds me* I AM STILL SINGLE ;-;

7animefan7: don't cry!!!

Me: *sniffles* okay... I'LL BE HAPPY FOR LAW'S SAKE!

Law: Yes Miao?!

Me: N-N-Nothing! *giving him an awkward smile.*

Luffy: mm! The cake is delicious.

Me: *gasps and looks at Luffy* LUFFY! YOU. ARE. NOT. SUPPOSED. TO. EAT. THE. CAKE! DIDN'T I ASK ZORO TO TAKE CARE OF IT?! *turns head to Zoro*

Zoro: man.... I wonder where Miao hid all my sake... *stares into a wall*

Me: *facepalms* nevermind... Since Law is having a good time with Yuki... I'm gonna end this now, bye guys!!


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