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Today was the day. The day that the losers club was going to defeat IT. They brought their weapons, and El. El was going to take the lead, which Beverly was worried about. Before walking into the Neibolt house, Beverly held onto El while crying. She gave her a kiss then they proceeded to enter that hell hole.

In the house, they found a well which led to the sewers, where pennywise spent it's days. They got down there, and although they didn't find pennywise, they found all of the missing children. No, they were not alive. Seconds later Bill heard a familiar voice calling his name, it was Georgie. Georgie begged to go home, he told Bill he wished he was with their parents again. But they knew it wasn't the real Georgie. Bill then shot the imposter, revealing it was pennywise. 

The losers started to attack IT. IT tried to scare them by turning into their biggest fears, but they were barely phased by it. They wanted IT dead. 

Nothing was working, so that's when they brought El in. They were all screaming at her to kill IT, and she was trying. She used to powers to make him go back into that hole he crawled out of, and it was working. The losers were all cheering her on, then pennywise was defeated. Before he disappeared, he whispered the word "fear". 

Everyone was cheering, IT was finally out of their lives, that was until El collapsed. Everyone ran over to her, Stanley suggested she was just exhausted. "No....no...no she's not breathing" Beverly sobbed. "El! El wake up!". She tried giving her CPR, but it was too late. 

Beverly held El, while crying. The other losers didn't know what to say, everyone was crying. Beverly got up, looked at Bill, and screamed in his face. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO SUGGESTED THAT SHE USE HER POWERS TO STOP IT! RICHIE WAS RIGHT, SHE THREW A PHONE! YOU REALLY THOUGHT SHE COULD TAKE DOWN THAT THING WITHOUT GETTING HURT?!" 
Bill had no idea what to say, he was speechless. She then punched him in the face, pretty hard too. Mike and Richie had to hold her back. 

After that she spent the rest of the year avoiding everyone, especially Bill. She couldn't help but blame him for her lovers death. She started failing all of her classes because she couldn't focus, she didn't even go to school most days. Her father was back too, which just made her even more miserable. She felt so numb and all she wanted was to kiss El again, to take her on one of those ice cream shop dates, she wishes she could go back to the time when El finally learned to roller skate. She thought about how much fun her and the losers would have, how they'd stay up all night watching Ben's romantic comedies. 

And that's how we got to this point. 

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