- 🥀; 04

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(from this chapter on, the plot will be based on astro's web drama 'to be continued' where yeonbin sleeps at the same time, with the same dream)

it's just one of those 'normal' days of yeonjun wanting to lay down on bed and sleep. maybe not wanting to wake up again since he had no reasons to do so.

school is a reason but not for him. soobin's there too so why go to school?

it's college anyways, a lot more shit to be thrown then just a few more months then he's free from the hell

free from the hell, then start another. life just had to be like that.

he came to think of it, of how stupid and immature their relationship was. maybe they can not handle this situation well. maybe it's not the time for them

they are not compatible with each other.

he just wished he can turn back the time and make them be.

surprisingly for him, he actually feels his eyelids getting heavier. he thought it's almost impossible for him to fall asleep, Insomnia wouldn't leave him alone.

the sorroundings gets darker, yeonjun drifted off to sleep

“yeonjun wake the fuck up!!”

the older groaned from his spot. knowing that voice too well, he clicked his tongue then went to flip himself to the other side of the bed, not even planning to do any of those stressful shit he's living on.

that's when he started to feel weird. the bed wasn't as fluffy as the one he used to sleep in, and it got smaller.

beomgyu groaned at his bestfriend's not-so-suprising behavior. he brought the pillow laying right beside yeonjun then aimed him right through his head

“OUCH! literally fuck you!”

“we're in fucking high school and you act like a preschooler!” beomgyu exaggerated, rolling his eyes after

“we're in college dumbfuck!” yeonjun protested, remembering his schedule. his classes starts afternoon. why the fuck does beomgyu have to bother me? i barely get sleep

“dude wake up! you're still dreaming!” with that being said, yeonjun rubbed his eyes and let his vision focus on the sorroundings

“what the-- where am i?”

“this? is? literally? our? dorm?” the younger male gave a confused look. what has gotten to him?

yeonjun looked at his forearm, remembering that one memory that brings good and bad memories to him “my scars are gone?!”

“since when did you even have scars?? dude what the heck you're crazy. are you sick? i can excuse you”

“no! I'm fine. is it really just--”

“do you want me to slap you?”

— c h a n s b e r r i e —

i left yall hanging for so long there... lmao im lazy

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2019 ⏰

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