Turn of Events

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 Nancy quickly pulled Emily behind her while Helen began inching her way to the rear door as another middle-aged woman rushed out of the house.

"Mary, don't! I said they could come!"

"But why would you let her come here!" blurted Mary Turner. Nancy figured that meant the other woman was her sister, Edna, the one she talked to on the phone.

"If you would stop and listen to me for five minutes, you would know! Idiot." The two glared at each other for a moment before Mary huffed and crossed her arms, the rolling pin sticking out, aimed at the girls.

"Fine, but make it snappy. And this had better be good."

"Gloria's dead, Mary, and these girls think they might have figured out Josiah's clues to start searching for his will."

Mary's whole demeanor seemed to change as she glanced at Emily. "Gloria's dead? Oh, you poor thing!" She wrapped Emily up in a hug. Emily smiled nervously and patted Mary's back. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm, uh, feeling a little bit better, um, thank you."

"Isn't there something else you need to say, Mary?"

Mary sighed. "Yes, I'm sorry for the way I acted upon your arrival. I just, I get so mad without letting my sister explain everything to me."

"Ain't that the truth," mumbled Edna with a roll of her eyes.

"May I ask why you two didn't like Gloria and Emily?" asked Nancy.

"Well," began Mary, but she was interrupted by a little voice. A little girl of about six years old walked towards them. She was a pretty child, with bouncy gold curls, sparkling grey eyes, and a dimpled smile.

"Auntie Mary, Auntie Edna, who are these pretty ladies?"

"Judy! I thought I told you to wait inside!" said Edna. She turned to the others. "Might as well get everyone inside too. Come on." She grabbed Judy's hand and led them into the small house. The girls gasped when they entered. It might have been small, but it was cute.

"Wow, I like what you've done with the place," said Helen.

Mary smiled. "That's all Edna's doing. She was always better at color coordinating than I ever was."

Edna scoffed. "Well, you were the tomboy of the three of us."

"The three of you?" asked Helen.

Edna nodded. "Mary's the eldest, then me, and Judy's mother, Anne, was the youngest."

"Where is Judy's mother?" asked Nancy slowly, already dreading the answer the instant the question came out of her mouth.

"Mommy and Daddy are in heaven with Granpa and Granma," said Judy matter-of-factly.

"Judy?" said Edna as she knelt down to her level. "You see that girl?" She pointed to Emily.

"Yes, she's really pretty."

Emily smiled. "Thank you."
"That's Emily Crandall, her mommy is in heaven with your mommy and daddy."

Judy gasped as she glanced at Emily. "Do you miss your mommy like I miss my mommy?"

Emily teared up. "Yes, yes I do, Judy." Helen rubbed her shoulder.

Nancy thought it best to turn the conversation to the reason for the visit and knelt down. "Judy, would you like to see a magic trick?"

Judy's mouth dropped. "Really?" She glanced at her aunts. "May I see it?"

"We all want to see this," said Mary.

Nancy Drew: 1. The Old Clock at Lilac InnWhere stories live. Discover now