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It was the first day most of the cast members were going to meet each other. Jaewook opened the door to the conference room and greeted their director who was with the other actors already seated at the table. He noticed that Park Minyoung wasn't there yet. After exchanging a few hi's and how are you's, he sat down and silently looked through the script in front of him.

Minyoung and he had briefly met each other once before, at the initial meeting for the upcoming drama. She seemed to be a very friendly person, and he was happy to work with someone who is familiar with this genre.

He has heard of Park Minyoung before, but he hasn't really watched any of the shows she was in--he was just not the type to watch romantic comedies. That was before he was offered this project. As soon as he heard that they wanted him as the male lead, he figured that it would be a good challenge to try something new, and a learning experience for him as well, so he can participate in more roles in the future. He actually watched What's Wrong With Secretary Kim and was impressed. Nevertheless, he was terrified. He was stepping into unknown territory and he was unsure whether or not he will do well.

"Too late to back out now, I guess," he sighed as he tried to throw the negative thoughts away, mindlessly flipping through the pages once more.

At that time, the door opened, revealing Minyoung smiling brightly at everyone in the room. Their eyes briefly met and they both bowed to each other before she proceeded to greet the director. The script-reading started as soon as everyone was present.

Jaewook slowly loosened up as the minutes passed by, after seeing that everyone seemed to be very welcoming and so into the drama as they read their lines.

"Ahh, I wonder how much fun it would be when we actually start filming," he thought, as Deokmi and Seonju made the whole room laugh with their fangirling antics.

"It's not Rayeon, it's R~yan." He laughed at how silly he sounded, but was also satisfied by the response from the crowd. It seems like this will be a fun three months for everyone.

"Alright," their director said. "Thank you everyone for coming here today. I am looking forward to working with all of you, so I will see you all next week when we do the photoshoot! Everyone worked hard today!"

Instead of heading straight to the door, Minyoung suddenly went around the table and walked towards Jaewook.

"Ryan Gold," she held out her hand as she said very formally, "Looking forward to working with you."

Hesitant, he formed his lips into somewhat a smile and shook her hand, "You as well, Sung Curator. I'm pleased to be working with you. Please guide me well throughout this drama."

She laughed and lightly slapped his arm, surprising Jaewook, "Aigoo, I was just kidding. No need to be so formal around me Jaewook-ssi."

"Woah, you scared me there for a second, Minyoung-ssi." He breathed out a sigh of relief as he chuckled. "I really thought you were going to act all cold towards me."

"Nope, you'll soon find out how crazy and loud I am on the set and you'll pretty much be tired of me," she joked.

"Well, I'm gonna look forward to that too, then!" He said with a smirk.

"You won't be disappointed," she flashed him a smile again. "Anyway, I have another schedule after this, so I'll see you in the photoshoot, Jaewook... oppa? Can I call you that?"

It took Jaewook a second to think about what she just said. "Wow, this woman sure knows how to get comfortable pretty fast," he thought.

Minyoung noticed he wasn't really saying anything, and started, "Or... if it's too early--"

"No, no! It's okay, of course! Whatever you're comfortable with," he remarked.

She gave him another big smile before she waved and left the room.

Their Private Life (Park Minyoung x Kim Jaewook)Where stories live. Discover now