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A/N: Hi everyone!! I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a while... school got in the way >_< i know there isn't much going on in this chapter, but i promise you soon there will be! Thank you all for reading~


Good night, oppa!

Minyoung tapped her fingers on the desk. Two minutes had passed and he still hasn't seen her message--at least that's what Instagram tells her. Another three long minutes later, a notification finally chimed in.
Sleep well

Minyoung lost count of how many exasperated sighs she had let out that day. It's been 72 long hours since they last filmed a scene together and he has been terribly distant ever since last week.

She knew they were okay when they filmed their first real kiss--heck, that was probably the happiest she had ever seen him ever since the drama started. That kiss was almost two weeks ago now. Something definitely happened after that which caused him to act so indifferent around her. The problem was she just did not have any clue what that is.


Minyoung pushed him towards the couch until she was basically leaning on him

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Minyoung pushed him towards the couch until she was basically leaning on him. In that position, she could feel his heartbeat pulsating, and throughout the silence of the set, it seemed like it was very audible too. She expected him to be nervous about this, and she was right. Inwardly sighing, she told herself she'll have to guide him through this scene as well.

Her arms were directly on his chest as she looked at him--still blindfolded, but she's ready to do what's next on the script--kiss him. Her fingers slowly traveled to his cheeks, before she pulled his head a little bit towards her, leaning in and touching her lips with his. As soon as she made contact, she almost jumped away as she immediately felt him kissing her back. "So much for staying still," she thought, but maintained her compusure like the actress she is. Not that she did mind him kissing her, she really didn't. She was used to on-screen kisses, but it just startled her when he responded to her kiss, especially when he had just said he would be staying still a few moments ago. As soon as she heard 'cut', she removed herself from Jaewook and proceeded to look at the monitor. She fixed her gaze at the screen in front of her, silently proud of how she carried the scene.

She was focused on watching the screen when everyone suddenly laughed, and it took her a moment to realize why. She heard his words, "I-is everyone going to be this quiet?" She laughed along with the rest and he added, "Not even one person is making a single sound!"

Minyoung then noticed that everyone was indeed unusually quiet while they watched what they just filmed. "It's because it's not our usual atmosphere," she exclaimed almost as-a-matter-of-factly, voicing her thoughts out loud.

"When you kissed him," their director spoke and she turned to look at him, "he also responded to you." Minyoung internally sighed as she thought to herself, "Yes he did, and what's your point, 감독님 (director-nim)?" She didn't understand why he had to point out the obvious. Out of the corner of her eyes, she caught a glimpse of Jaewook, and what she saw made her puzzled. She didn't understand why he was smiling, literally smiling--with all his teeth showing. "Huh, he didn't even deny that he kissed me back." If she was alone, she would have raised an eyebrow out of intrigue.

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