06) Elijah Mikaelson?

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I began to come to as memories of what happened flooded my brain quickly, bringing a headache with it. I looked around what I assumed was a bedroom when I notice a bag filled with something. I slowly walked over, only stumbling a few times, to the bag and looked inside. There was an over-sized t-shirt and a pair of white slip on shoes along with a note saying that I should change into this. I frowned but quickly changed out of the dress from the night before into the clothes in the bag. I set my bloody clothes into the bag before making my way out of the room to see if I can find someone here.

"Trevor! Control yourself" I heard a woman command as I walked into what looked like a living room area. When I walked into the room, I saw Elena on the couch with a man and woman standing by her.

"Who the hell are you two" I commented bringing the attention on me as I entered the room. I went over to Elena and looked her over for any other injuries besides the ones from last night.

"What do you want from us" Elena asked scared.

"My god, you look just like her" the woman says staring at Elena.

"But I'm not so whatever you want-"

"Be quiet" the woman snaps. Elena explains who she was, but the woman slaps her hard across the face and says she wants her to be quiet.

"Do that again and I'll make a stake and shove it so far up your ass that you will be blowing it out your nose" I threatened causing the woman to freeze slightly.

"I suggest you be quiet as well or I'll let Trevor use you as a blood bag" the woman threatens right back. I glared at the woman before checking on Elena to make sure she was okay. I stayed by Elena's side as Trevor and the woman argued about getting the news to someone. Elena stirred and began to wake up causing me to put a finger to my lips and nodded towards where are kidnappers were talking.

"Look it's not too late. We can leave her here.... we don't have to go through with this" Trevor tells the woman terrified. Elena and I silently made our way while we listen to the couple bicker until a name caught my attention.

"Elijah.... as in Elijah Mikaelson" I said joining the pair.

"How do you know him" Trevor asked walking over to me.

"My mom says that he is a family friend" I commented as the woman pulled Trevor back.

"I already told you she doesn't know" she whispered to him. I looked back at Elena frowning then back to see the pair left leaving Elena and I alone.

"Well we are stuck here so I'm going to explore" I said shrugging as began to walk around the house. I looked through each of the up stairs rooms while avoiding spots that looked like it would fall apart.
"What she said that, what does that mean" Elena asked as I rejoined her and the pair that kidnapped us.

"What are we talking about" I asked standing next to Elena.

"The Originals" the woman says causing me to nod.

"The very first vampires in history" I commented causing the three to look over at me.

"What? I do my research" I exclaimed putting my hands up. I listened to Trevor and Rise, the female vampire, tell about their encounter with the originals and Elijah. While they talked, I went through the books they were stacking on the table. Elena and I went back to the couch and got comfortable when I spotted a crumbled up piece of paper. We looked at each other before Elena opened it up to see what it said. It was a note from Bonnie saying the Salvatore Brothers were on their way to get us. I watched Rose gather her things while Trevor kept look out for this Elijah guy.

"He's here" Trevor says running into the room.

"I told you that I will get us out of this. You will have to trust me" Rose tells Trevor. I listened as she calmed him down before glancing over at us.

"Stay here with them. Don't make a sound" Rose tells Trevor before going to get the door. I watched from my spot on the couch while Elena paces the room. We both turned our attention room as Rose and a man in a suit walk in. I watched carefully as he vamp sped over to Elena and sniffed her neck as if to check to see if it was really her. Before he looked over at me, I stood up looking him right in the eye. He vamp sped over to me doing the same thing he did to Elena then looked between the two of us.

"Human.... it's impossible. Hello there" the man says glancing over  the both of us. I looked over at Elena then back at the man debating how I feel about this whole things. Part of me was telling me to trust Elijah while the other part was telling me to run.

"Now Elena and I have a long journey ahead of us" Elijah says causing me to walk over to Elena.

"Please don't let him take me" Elena begged making Rose look down while Trevor stared at us.

"Just a few pieces of business" Elijah says turning towards me. I felt Elena grab my hand tightly as he made his way over to me. I wi fed as he very gently touched the wound on my head. Up until this point, I kind of forgot about the wound on my head and the dull aching pain.

"Do you have vervain on you or did you take any today" Elijah asked causing me to raise an eyebrow.

"No, I haven't come in contact with vervain for at least a week" I said causing him to nod.

"Good, now you're going to fall asleep and will not wake up until tomorrow" Elijah compels causing me to nod before blacking out.
"Where is she"

"Kayla please-"

"WHERE IS ASTERIA" I heard my mom yell as I woke up. I gently held my head as I sat up looking around and tried to figure out where I am. I looked at the door as it opens revealing Damon and my mom leading me to believe that I was at the Salvatore house.

"There you are" my mom says giving me a soft smile while Damon walked over to me.

"How you feeling munchkin" he asked causing me to roll my eyes.

"Oh you know, just got kidnapped and compelled within the same time span" I said sarcastically. He softly chuckled before changing the bandage on my head. If it wasn't for dull ache and the occasional shots of pain, I would have completely forgot about the gash on my head.

Judging by the look on my mom's face, I'm going to be home bound for a while.....

Sempiternal Love// TVD & TOTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon