I swore that this was the last time...

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"Haha funny...now let's talk about your project.." Nathaniel rolls annoyed his eyes and gives Nate a foul look.

"Okay...what's wrong with it?" Nate asks carefully.

"Exactly that's the problem...you go into a VERY, VERY different way of science here. Do you even know what you're doing?" Nate nervously shakes his head. All of them sigh and facepalm at the same time.

"Dude, are you crazy?!" Nathaniel struggles to stay calm. Nate cowers in fear and shame.

"You're about to create something completely knew, and you don't know what you're doing?! THIS IS SUICIDE NATHAN!" he walks over to him with clenched wrists.

"Woah, Woah! Calm down dude!" Bones walks over and holds him back.

"WHY SHOULD I?! HE WILL END ALL OF US! You know that this will be our last time that we can talk and convince him! When we don't convince him, we can never escape our fate! We'll never getting out and WE and HE are gonna losing sight!" Nathaniel is literally the rage in person. Nate has never seen himself so angry.

"And how on green earth do you want to convince him?! WITH YELLING?! SEE IT, Nathaniel! He's never going change his mind! You may be 'older' than him, but he's not your possession! You can make a list, that makes you sick and you can't leave 'til it's done. You can patiently await the day to pack my bags and run, but not like this, Nathaniel!"

Nathaniel tries to say something, but no words are coming in his mind. He just hugs Bones tightly.

Nate looks to Phan in confusion. He comes over to him and kneels down to him.

"Nathaniel, has a bad time. He lives in the period of time where you lost Morgan and he relives it every 3 months. He knows that he always swore to Morgan that this was the last time and that he doesn't want to happen again. The madness never ends for him and is up in his mind. It's not your fault..." Phan smiles kindly.

"So...what do you want to do now?" he looks to Nathaniel in compassion. He knows how awful the Break-Up was. He got a bad depression there. Only his friends helped him to come out of it

"We decided to help you with your plan....also when Nathaniel doesn't want to accept it." Mare removes his hands, sighing.

"Wait...but I thought you were here to yell at me..." Nate turns around and looks at Mare.

"We originally wanted that...but Bones said that you probably wouldn't change your mind and we had the two options. Helping you with your plan..or..we become one body and hold you captive for enternity..." he rubs the back of his neck.

"...That's the very last decision we made and we thought it would make us and you happy, when we help you. That you have good memories about us." Phan sighs deeply.

"I will, I promise." Nate smiles friendly and slowly stands up, walking over to Nathaniel, which still hugs Bones.

"Dude, I'm sorry for what I said...I didn't know that you must go through all the Break-Up shit over and over again..." he places his hand on Nathaniel's shoulder.

"It's okay...I already started to ignore it and let it pass." he smiles slightly as he lets go of Bones

"We will help you. But only with the building of the machine you have in mind. After that, you're by yourself." he smiles towards the others who nod.

"Wait, how do you know that I want to build a machine?"

"I may be like 4 or 5 years 'younger' or 'older'...but I haven't changed a bit.." he laughs.

"So. Show us your little project..." Phan smiles and leans his cane against the wall.

"Okay, in this container here, is a gas. When I inhale it, I can relive a specific moment of my life. I just need to think about that moment." the others look at each other with impressed looks.

"So, Nateyboy, what can we do for you..." Mare smirks.

"I need that this 'gas' becomes a more narcotic liquid and a way bigger container where humans can fit in..."

"That's all you got?" Bones smiles and the others smile amused.

"Yeeaah...Yep!" he shrugs.

"That's easy for me. I just need to cast some spells and we're done..." Phan raises his cane and hits the ground with it twice.

Within seconds the gas becomes harder and it changes it's form to a liquid. In the next moment the container grows as high as Nate, just a bit taller.

"I see, you're magical one..." Phan chuckles deeply.

"Now can the others do the rest..." he sits down on table, raising both his eyebrows.

"Aww you little asshole..." Mare steps closer to the container.

"Let's see if we can add some technology..." all three prepare a part of the machine. All of them are connected with the machine.

"Okay done!" all of them step back, revealing the complicated mechanism.

"Oh boy..." Nate glances at the machines with excitement. He strokes with his hand over the glass.

"I'm coming Jessica...I promise" he whispers.

Music Videos can have a deeper meaning, you know? (NateWantToBattle story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu