Part 1

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July, 7 2003. I am a therapist at the local court. Hired to get the real story out of suspects. In todays case a young man, 23 years of age, was on trial for murder and claims he didn't do it, of course. I walked into my office where we meet and I was greeted by the man. He had a wicked scar across his face and dark brown hair. I introduced myself and asked his name. He said it was Blake.

"Do you know why you're here, Blake?"

"I didn't do anything. I was framed by a women, my sister. I'm no murderer."

"I believe you. Now, why don't you tell me the whole story again"    

" I will, but I assure you that I tell the truth and only the truth."

I nodded and he began.

"A few years ago, my sister and I were at the Smith's Apartments, but I was looking for her. I knew she hadn't left because it was around midnight. I want around to the different apartments to ask if she stopped by, but no one answered their door. I assumed they were all asleep being that it was late and all. I asked the manager if he had seen her and he said to me that she went down the hall from where I was. That was odd. There was nothing down there but the old dining hall. Maybe she lost something, and didn't tell me that she was going to look for it. I looked down the hall, and no one was there, not even a mouse. I walk down to see if I could find any of her possessions which none were found expect a silver key, but with looking closely, behind a metal shelf was a locked door. I decided to go for it and used the key on the door. To my surprise the key worked and the door to an old apartment opened up. The apartment was abandon for what looked like years. I wandered around; it seemed like a normal old apartment until I bumped a tiny statue which knocked back and a metal door was revealed behind a bookshelf. I open the door and a staircase into darkness appeared. Wooden stairs scream as a try to walk down them, away from the light of the room behind me. The smell of something horrid was getting stronger and stronger as I walked closer. The stairs now are stained with some red substance as I finally reach the bottom. It was dark and dank. The sound of dripping echoed off the walls like a cave. I cling to the wall to find the light switch. The walls were covered in some kind of liquid that ran down my wrist. I felt a tiny lever, the light switch! I flipped on the switch, standing there was my sister, Annabell, with a Frankenstein like assortment for body parts made with all different people from the apartments. Poorly done stitching on purple toned limbs with tears of crimson red flowing into the pool below. I stood there frozen in fear as she slowly turns around, a knife in her gloved hand. She throws the knife at my feet.

'Pick it up.' I heard a click and she stands there with a cocked gun a hand, threatening to shoot me. I do as she said and pick up the bloody knife with my, also, bloody hands.

'Good. Now hold this.' she tosses me the gun. I fumbled to catch it because I was so shaken with fear. She then walks up to me and rips the gun from my hands, puts in her mouth and pulls the trigger. I couldn't comprehend what just happened. My only sister committed suicide right in front of me and the sirens of police cars were outside."

"That was a very interesting story, Blake, but our time here is up. I'll see you court."

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