school stress

627 25 2

written 12/10/18

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oikawa tooru's pov;

tooru was in the middle of a mild panic attack at the moment. he just got out of the shower, thinking it would help him calm down. as he changed and got into a new set of clothing, his mind ran wild. as he kept pacing around his room he kept thinking the same four things; exams, college applications, part-time job, getting a different part-time job to be near campus. all of it related to his future, and his future scared him the most. he didn't want to be far away from everyone he loved and the things he knew. the country was very different from the city and he wasn't ready to throw himself into a whole new lifestyle, at least two am tooru wasn't.

"okay, tooru. make a list of priorities," tooru didn't stop pacing as he tried to organize his thoughts aloud. "what needs to get done first? college applications. everything you're stressing about will all be wasted if you don't get into college."

he sat down his bed with his laptop, taking a good look at the alien stickers that were placed across the top. as he opened it, several drafts and started ideas waited for him on the screen. once he saw all the words, his brain started to freak out and short-circuit once again. he grabbed him phone, opening it up to his messages.

it was now 2:07 in the morning. iwaizumi couldn't be awake, and even if he was he would bash tooru on the head and scold him to go to bed at a reasonable time. matsukawa and hanamaki are probably asleep as well, getting ready for another morning of practice. he thought about other people he was close to, others that he would allow to see him like this. he thought for a moment, then opened up a chat and began to type.

sent - 2:09 am

> hey

> are you up right now?

> i know it's like two am but i just

> can i come over?

tooru waited and prayed he was still awake.

received - 2:16 am

> lemme guess..

> college app stress?

sent - 2:16 am

> (c" ,_)

received - 2:16 am

> come on over you nerd

sent - 2:16 am

> mr. refreshing! mean!!

received - 2:17 am

> just get over here lol

tooru chuckled, his stress already releasing little by little. all he put on were his shoes and a light jacket he found somewhere on the floor. tooru then got a white drawstring bag with the proud words 'AOBA JOHSAI' in blue letters on the front. he put his laptop, his headphones, and a math textbook in the bag and left a note in the kitchen. he hoped his mom would see it and with that, he was off.

timeskip ;

he knocked on the usual spot on the back wall of the house. about three minutes pass before a figure appeared in the window above. as the figure struggled to open the window, as he would every time, silver hair appeared once it did open. sugawara extended his left hand, always his left hand tooru thought, and pulled tooru into his room. sugawara put a single finger over his lips and walked over to his bed, sitting upright with crossed legs against the wall on his messed-up sheets. as he patted the space next to him with a tired smile, tooru observed the room on his way over to the space.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2019 ⏰

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