Chapter 2

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The statue eventually followed her to the church's basement, Cuddle closed the trapdoor as soon as the stranger went down with her.

"Why?" it asked, confused.

"If anyone sees someone moving here, that someone will come here, and is very likely to find me, and i don't want to get arrested, okay?" she answered, while taking a lighter from a box on the ground and lightening some candles

"And... Who are you?" the statue said, looking around the small place, its head almost touched the ceiling

"You can call me Cuddle" she sat on the ground, looking for a few seconda at the stranger "And who are you?"

The stranger sat on the ground "I really don't have a name, but most people call me Love Ranger" he tried to sound as friendly as possible

"If you are a statue, why the actual fuck you are alive?" she asked, with her usual rudeness, not even trying to sound nice

He sighed and looked at the ground "I don't know, i just know that i'm here and i'm alive, but people keep saying i'm just a legend and i don't exist" the words flowed out of him, he really needed to talk to someone

"Yeah, i know that feeling, you'll get used to it with some time" she shrugged

"I am three hundreds years old, i still haven't got used to it"

"Well, you better do, you'll pass a lot of time down here, and you'll replace me as the Graveyard Ghost" she snickered, and shrugged again, as if she didn't care

"Can i know why are you here?" he kept looking everywhere but at Cuddle

"Let's just said that i ran away, nothing more than this" she tried to not go on the topic, and Ranger knew she was, but preferred to not ask, he didn't know if he could die or not.

Ranger and Cuddle, a story of two lonely heartsWhere stories live. Discover now