What's Gonna Happen?

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Darrys POV (after the rest of the gang left)

As I watch the whole gang leave, I don't know what I feel. Shock, for one, because Dally just punched me in the face. Anger for another, because both my brothers are gross queers. And... regret, for three. How could I just let them walk out? I'm supposed to take care of them. Like I promised.


As baby Sodapop lay in his crib, four year old Darry is very happy.

"Okay Darry, this is your new brother, Sodapop. Can you say hi to Soda?" Mrs. Curtis cooed at her now older son.

"Hi Soda, we're gonna be real good pals!" Darry said excitedly. He was very happy to have another boy in the house.

"Now Darry, you have to protect Soda okay?" Mr. Curtis tells his elder child. He was very proud of how Darry was already connecting with the newest Curtis.

"What does protect mean?" Darry asks, confused.

"You'll know when you're older sweetie." Mrs. Curtis says. Darry seemed content with this answer. As he watched his younger brother fall asleep in his crib, he felt something. Something that he would later learn to be called 'love'.

-End of Flashback-

Oh God, what have I done? I pushed both my brothers out just because of some stupid phase they're going through. Yeah, it's just a phase, and the sooner I get them to realize that, the better.

Steve and Johnny were gonna get it for confusing my brothers so bad.

A/N: soooo this chapter was kind of a filler chapter because I needed my next chapter idea to make sense. I'll update again very soon, but for now, here ya go. Also sorry again for the probably shortest chapter in this book. The next one will be a lot longer I promise lol.
Stay Gold x


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