College AU no. 1

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Nico walked through the courtyard, Starbucks in hand, laptop under arm. He had plenty of time to get to his Advanced Latin class, but getting there early was always a plus.

"Hi! I'm a member of the Olympus University Fencing Team. Do you have a moment to talk about the art of fencing?"

Jesus Fucking Christ.

Nico turned to see a scrawny, tan kid with an enormous smile on his pointed, freckly face. He had a huge stack of florescent orange flyers under his arm. There were always a ton of people walking around, soliciting their clubs or whatever. For Nico, it was a nightmare.

Nico coughed uncomfortably. "Well, the thing is, I'm late for my class..."

"No you're not."

Nico blinked. "I'm sorry?"

"There aren't any classes on campus starting before six am. You have a good half hour."

Goddamn it.

"Well, Mr. Know-It-All, how do you know that?" Rudeness was a reliable counter-attack.

"I know a lot of things," said the annoyance, winking. Now he was being hit on? Nico's morning was quickly getting worse.

"Okay, you little shit," said Nico, "I don't care about that probably-made-up cult thing you want me to join. I just want to get to class early. Now leave me alone."

The other boy sighed. "Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot." He stuck out one hand. "Hi. I'm Leo."

Nico stared at the hand but didn't shake it. Leo awkwardly let it drop.

"C'mon, dude, can't you just take a flyer? Piper will get mega-pissed if she think's I'm not trying, and believe me, a pissed fencer is not what you want on your hands."

"Sorry, but no thanks. I just really want to leave. Now."

"Just take a flyer!"

"Hell no!"

Leo ran one hand through his curly hair. "You're quite difficult, aren't you?"

"It's a gift," Nico deadpanned.

"So, what do you want? What's it gonna take for you to even take a goddamn flyer and maybe even come to one damn club meeting?"

"A meeting?! You said I only had to take a flyer!"

Leo winced. "But, the thing is, I totally promised the club president I'd have a new member by the end of today. You only have to come to one club meeting, and then quit, or whatever. Just do a bro a solid?

"I don't even know you."

"What will it take?"

Nico's mind wandered involuntarily to his dorm and the busted Mac he'd found in the grabage. "Are you any good with technology?"

Leo's eyes lit up. "Yes! Oh my lord thank you so much. Whatever it is it'll be, like, brand-new. Thankyouthankyouthankyou!"

Nico rolled his eyes, then checked his watch. 6:30. No point going to Latin now. "Wanna go back to my dorm? Then you can fix my computer, I'll get the information I need for your little cult, and I'll never have to speak with you again. Deal?"

"Deal!" said Leo happily. He stuck out a hand to shake. This time, Nico took it. It was strangely warm it the middle of winter.




Well that was uneventful. Oh well.

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