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So here's the Q&A
I'm sorry I was so inactive, but I really don't feel that better to write.

And I've finished school, and it's becoming worse because I'm going to be lazy all summer and I will regret it after.


Here's the Q&A
Love you


-Do you trust Hyunjin?
-Of course I do! I'm really in love with him and I know he wouldn't lie to me or something similar. I've putted all my trust in him from the beginning and I don't regret it.
I know that he isn't the fuckboy he was a few years ago.

-Are you excited about living with Hyunjin?
I can't wait!

-aRe yOu sTilL inNocEnT?¿
-Yeah.. about that..
Uhm.. can I skip this?
Thank you.


-How is Jeongin doing?
-He is doing great! Thanks for asking.
Right now we're at his place and he's in his desk also answering to the questions.

-Do you really feel sorry for cheating on Seungmin?
-I really do. I'm so sorry I've hurt him, I don't know what was in my mind. I was so dumb and selfish.
I'm sorry and I will always be.

-How much do you love Jeongin?
-He's my only and the only one I've always be loving.

-Oi Hyunjinnie, would you ever read a Hyunin fanfic? (I made one)
-OII, wait, what are those and where can I find them. And what is 'Hyunin'?
It's a cute name ♡
I'll probably name my child Hyunin
(also the Author will surely read your fanfic ♡)


-How did you meet Jeongin?
-Well, we are neighbours. So I think we've always knew each other. We always saw each other on streets, and I was the one who said "Hi" first. And after that we became best friends I guess?

-Will you ever find a boyfriend? Or will you be forever single?


-Is Minho still homophobic?

-Is it true that you have a crush on ﹰMinho?
-I had, I'm not sure now

-How is living with Minho?
-Beautiful and annoying at the same time.
We aren't really close, but I think we're improving, because he is letting me eating one of his milk puddings now.


-Minsung or Leehan?

-you love jisung
-I'm straight.
You didn't even asked me, you just said it as a command tho

-How is living with Jisung?

-aRe yOu sTilL a HoE?
-What do you mean? I'm always a hoe


-How are you doing? Are you ok?
-I'm fine now. Felix is always here beside me to take care of my injury.
Isn't he the sweetest? ♡

-Dark or Felix

-Are you a cutie
-Imma bad guy.. DUH

-Is your manager ok about you and Felix being together?
-He doesn't know yet but I think he suspects it


Trying to be an aussie, I see.

-Changlix or Changbok?
-I feel like Changlix is sweeter and cuter than Changbok

-Will you and Changbinnie get married?
-If it will going to be legal probably.
Also, you should've asked Binnie this question!! He's the one who is going to propose

-How is being beautiful?
-Ask Changbin

-memes or changbin
-Changbin of course.
I love him the most.
Even the lejindary memes aren't that good as my Changbin is


-how did you and jeongin meet
-My family is very close to Jeongin's family, so like our families introduced ourselves, and now we became very close, I am like his big brother.

-Do you love Woojin?
-I do ♡
He's my teddy bear


-how is life going
-Life is great if you know how to live it

-How did you and Chan meet?
-We meet at college. I was just coming out of my class (no, not from the closet, I already did that last year) and he was arguing with someone, so I stepped in, trying to make them stop. And the one who was Chan arguing with slapped me. After that Chan jumped on that guy and beat the shit out of him and I was constantly trying to stop him so he won't kill him.
And then the principal came and things happened, Chan didn't got expelled, because I talked to the principal and explained, and the principal knew I'm a good boy. And then Chan came and thanked me and I asked why did he beated that guy and he said "I was mad that he slapped such a beautiful face"
And from there it all began.
Sweet? Right?

-cHicKen or cHan
-That's a.. very difficult question..
I mean, I love chicken
But I also love Chan..
Hard to think, hard to think..
Well, I can eat chicken, but I can't eat Chan
Oh no
I also can eat Chan in that wa-

-Author (me)-

-Will you write smut in book 2?
-Oh yeah, totally

-How old are you??
-100 years old I swear

-Mpreg would you every write one also if so would write one of Hyunin
-Yes, I'm really trying to think about a story and I want to be able to write it soon.
Somebody suggested me a Wooknow story idea (I think it was you?) and I want to do with this ship.

-Do you ship woochan?
-YES! They are so cute and precious I love them so much, my parents ♡

-What made you do this book?
-I was constantly reading wattpad stories back then (mostly taekook) and I will always imagine my own stories. I was afraid to write them, I thought they were stupid. But after some time, when my friend also started writing wattpad stories, somehow at 3am I started writing this story.
I didn't even knew Hyunin that much, I just saw a picture with them and I said "that's it"
And like the first 10 chapters didn't had even 100 reads together, and I decided to give up but I DON'T KNOW HOW THE SAME NIGHT LIKE MY STORY WAS GOING CRAZY, IT WAS CONSTANTLY GROWING UP.
And for I think almost 2 weeks, the story was growing up with 100+ reads and a few comments every night.
I was really happy ♡

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