Chapter 7: Zoe (Part 2)

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This is basically a continuation of the last chapter so yeah! ENJOY!

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Zoe's POV

I felt so bad for Annika. Joe should never have broken up with her unless she was a terrible human being that either abused or was a murderer! But she is so sweet and would never do anything to hurt someone. She was so hurt when she came to me so I had to calm her down. I ran her a bath gave her tea and cookies to hope that she relaxes more. But now I need to call Joe.

"Hello?" Joe answered my call.

"Joeseph! I am so mad at you!" I yell.


"You broke Annika's heart! She came to me sobbing her eyes out! She could barley breath!"

"I know. I feel terrible." 

"Then why did you do this Joe? Why?" 

"I dont know. I just....I don't have a clue Zoe." 

"Well, I'm pretty sure she is so angry at you." 

"She called me a jerk."

"You deserved that!"

"I know I did! I am so stupid."

"Yes, you are." Then I heard a loud noise from upstairs and I heard crying."I got to go." I hung up and rushed up stairs. Annika was laying fully clothed on the floor crying. 

"I hate my life Zoe! Why did he do this to me!!!" She was crying and screaming.

"Its ok...its ok." I replied.

"Its not! I could never get someone to love me and I finally did and now he's gone!!" She was still face down on the ground. I turned her over and she could barley open her eyes because they were so swollen. I took her to the guest room and sat her down. She continued crying and her ankle was swollen and I put 2 together and noticed that she could barley walk. 

"What happened?" I said. 

"I got my foot caught on the door. The pain helped take away Joe breaking up with me but now I can't feel my foot so now I am so upset over Joe!" She started crying again. 

"You can't break your own foot! We need to take you to the hospital now." I put her in the car and drove to the hospital. A nurse wheeled her back to get an xray and get a cast on. So I told Annika I was going to step outside for a bit. I called Joe again.

"Hello Zoe." Joe answered. 

"Joe, I hope your happy. Because of you we are now at the hospital." I said.

"What happened?" 

"She got so upset she purposly broke her foot by getting it caught on the door so it would take the pain away from you breaking her. She is going crazy because of you!"

"Oh god....I'll be there soon." 

"I don't think she wants you Joe. We are going to go home and you can see her then." I  saw Annika wheeled out in the front.

"But she doesn't live with us!" Joe said.

"Doesn't matter. Got to go." I hung up.

"Annika, darling...." I said.

"She is going to have to be on crutches for a while since she has a broken foot. She should be better soon. She needs to come in everyother week for a check up." The doctor said.

"Alright...tnank you so much." I helped Annika out of the wheel chair and she grabbed her crutches. We slowly made it to the car and I helped her in. Then we drove home. No words were said as she looked out her window. I could see some tears rolling down her cheeks. 

When we arrived home I saw Joe's car in the street. I sighed and helped Annika out of the car. We made our way inside. As soon as I opened the door Joe came over the try to help.

"Annika....." Joe started.

"Don't Joe, im not in the mood." Her voice cracked at the end and she tried to make it up the stairs. I stood behind her to make sure she didn't fall. 

"Zoe, can you let me be for a while? Im alright." She said.

"Of course! Anything you need I will be down stairs." She nodded and went to the guest  room. I heard the door slam and I turned around to see Joe standing behind me. 

"Is she alright?" He asked.

"Just a broken foot and a broken heart." I knew it sounded cheesy but right now I want to make him as uncomfortable as possible.

"Just stop Zo. I want none of your crap right now. I feel terrible and I just want to talk to her." He replied.

"Just leave her be. I mean it. I'm going to go do some washing down stairs." He nodded and I walked down stairs. I shouldn't leave him upstairs but oh well. 


I truly felt bad about breaking up with Annika but I felt like we were never going to last. I just had a feeling. Its the same feeling I had with my other girl friend Janna except I never broke up with her and things ended terribly...more with me with the broken heart. When Zoe went to do washing I knew I had my chance to talk to Annika. I went to the guest room. I stood outside the door and knocked when I didn't hear an answer I entered. Annika was sitting up in the bed with her phone.

"Hey Annika....we need to talk." I said calmly. I was so nervous.

"Joe...I really don't want to talk." She said never looking up from her phone. 

"We need to."


"Why not?" 

"You dont love me anymore so whats the point of talking....actually I dont think you ever loved me." 

"Annika....I did. I still do...but I dont know..I didn't think it was going to last." 

"It didnt."

"Please...give me another chance."

"Not now Joe. I cant give you another chance right now...sorry. Now please" I gave a small nod and left. I was going down the stairs when I couldn't really breath and I had to let it out. I got to the bottom of the stairs and started having a panic attack like Zoe has. Zoe came upstairs and told me to calm down...i hated this.



There is still more I want to continue with the last to chapters so yeah....:) 

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