Ch. 17: Let the Music Begin

Start from the beginning

Alex knew that she wasn’t going to fight him anymore.  “Fine.  So what now?”

“Let me go tell David, Joe, and Nick what’s going on, and we’ll see what we can do.  Do you feel like eating or drinking anything?”

“Just water to drink please.”

“You got it,” Kevin smiled, and kisses her forehead feeling how warm she was.  “I’ll be back in a few.”

“Okay,” Alex said and curls up under her covers, but looks at her brother.  “Hey Kevin?”

“Ya?” he asked looking back at her before he left the room.

“When you were listening to ‘Me Without You’ and ‘Headstrong’, I noticed that you were taping your foot and smiling bigger then Joe and Nick.  How come?”

Kevin smiled, “Do you remember that song that I played back home on the piano when we wanted to talk alone?”

“Ya…” her eyes widen, “The music, it was yours?”  She sits up, “How did Mitchel get it?”

“Maybe I sent him the files to use and just ask you to write the words for them.”

She smiles, “I wondered why the tune ‘Headstrong’ sounded familiar.  Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.  Get some rest and I’ll be right back.”


Before Kevin left the room Alex sat up again, “Hey Kevin?”

“Ya?” he asked looking back at her.

She tries to get out of bed, but Kevin goes over to her and sits back down on the bed.

She sits there and watches him.  “I’ll go in and make sure that you get full credit for the music.”

Kevin smiles, “Thanks.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

She lies back down to sleep as Kevin left the room.


            Kevin goes back out to the kitchen to see David and his brothers talking.

            “David just told us, is she okay?” Joe asked nervous.

            “She’s fine.  Her body is just telling her that she over worked it, so it’s shut down to heel up and rest,” Kevin told him.

            “We told her,” Nick sighed.

            “She’s been really hard on herself to get this album done,” David told him.  “She wanted to get it done at a certain time.”

            “When does H.R. listen to it?” Nick asked.

            David sighed, “Sadly, they don’t want to.”

            “What?!” they asked.

            “There has to be some kind of mistake,” Joe told him.

            “Are you kidding?” Kevin asked.

            “I wish I was.  Mitchel has been trying to get an appointment for them to hear it, but they told him that they don’t want another ‘Jonas album’,” David told them making quotation marks in the air with his fingers.  “If she found out, it would just break her heart.”

Protecting Alex's Heart~ Part 3 of Alexis' Jonas SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now