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I paused for a moment as I made my way out of the doctor's clinic. I came in an hour ago, feeling nervous and lost. Now, an unmistakable blissful expression was plastered on my face. I almost skipped my way to my car after diving into my purse for my keys.

Immensely happy after confirming my suspicions with my OB GYNE today, I start the car and drive out of the parking lot bound for home. I can't wait to tell Luke, my husband, the good news.

Ever since we tied the knot over a year ago, we had been dreaming of having children. Every time we make love, it was always so intense, so full of love like we were just wed that same day. So it's not a surprise really that I am now 4 weeks pregnant.

Things couldn't be better between Luke and me. Work takes up most of his time but it was a compromise I was willing to take. A week after our wedding, Luke needed to go back to work already. At 26, he was one of the youngest CEOs in the country. He was, after all, the only heir to one of the top companies in the country, Black Industries. I was proud of him. I know how he worked hard to get to where he is.

Late nights at the office were frequent but he never forgets to send me a message telling me what time he would be home. When he does come home, he never fails to make it up to me. Like the other night, he couldn't make it home until midnight. I always wait up for him in the living room, curled up on the couch watching old episodes of Grey's Anatomy on Netflix. That day though I was tired after going out on errands that I must have dozed off.

I woke up to something warm touching my cheeks. I opened my eyes and there was Luke with a dozen of my favourite red roses on his right hand, a guilty shy smile on his face as he rubs his neck with his left hand. The sight of him just took my breath away and well, we ended up catching our breaths on our bed a few minutes later.


A loud honk snapped me back from my thoughts. I was at an intersection and the light turned green a few seconds back. Normally, the honking would have made me frown. Some jack assess just don't know how to wait.

I let it pass though. Still in a happy mood, I shifted the gear and made my way home.

As I drove passed our gates, I noticed Luke's car parked in front of the house with another car I didn't recognize. He must have finished work early but frankly, I was a bit disappointed. I had planned on cooking a special dinner before telling him the good news.

It doesn't matter now, I know he'll be happy- no, extremely happy, about it no matter how I tell him.

I manoeuvred my car to park opposite Luke's and almost skipped my way up the stairs of our house. Clearly still dazed about my pregnancy, I had a big smile on my face as I opened the door.

"Luke?" I called as I entered the house. I tried my best not to sound so chirpy. I still planned to surprise him about the baby.

"In here," I heard my husband reply.

I followed his voice to the living room. Luke was seated on the sofa, his back towards me. I noticed he was with James, his attorney, who immediately stood up, took a few steps towards me and kissed my cheek.

"Mel. It's good to see you," James said in a formal tone.

He worked for Luke for almost 4 years and they go a long way back to college. They were best friends back then although they were in different colleges. After university, James started working for his father's law firm and slowly made it to partnership in just 3 years. From then on, he had been Luke's attorney, reviewing contracts and providing legal advice.

"I'm good. What brings you here today?" I asked in a still somewhat chirpy voice.

Damn! I need to control my voice or I'd be spilling my surprise right in front of James.

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