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While Gretchen kept Lacey busy as per my request, I made some purchases with Cruz's help. We went into a baby store and grabbed a basket.

"Shouldn't you be doing this with Lacey?" Cruz asked me.

"I want to surprise her. I can't do that if she is with me," I informed Cruz.

"Vince, I don't have kids and don't know the first thing about baby stuff," he told me.

"If you have a woman in your life, then one day you will have a child. It's practice for you," I retorted as he rolled his eyes at me.

He pushed the cart as we walked down the aisles of the store. I picked up unique items and placed them in the cart. I didn't know what they were but figured we needed them. I picked up an item that looks like a siphon of sorts.

"What is this?" I asked him.

"You're asking me?" He asked with a look.

"You're a big help," I replied as he shrugged.

"That's a breast pump," I heard someone mentioned. I turned and saw a woman standing there.

"What's a breast pump?" I asked her.

"The mother places it on her breast and extracts milk from the nipple into a bottle for the baby. It's a useful item to have, especially when the breasts become engorged with milk, then becomes painful," she explained.

I noticed she was expecting.

"I assume you know about this," I said, pointing to her stomach.

"Yes, this is my second one," she smiled.

"Then you're aware of other important items too?" I questioned her.

"Is this your first baby?" She asked me.

"Yes," I answered.

"Do you need some help?" She asked me.

"That would be helpful," I replied as she helped us pick up essentials Lacey would need. I didn't want to purchase too many items, but enough to surprise her. I had a bigger surprise waiting for her.

Once we finished, we wheeled the items to the front and placed them on the belt. The cashier rang up the items, and I paid for them. She stared at me as I handed her my card. I didn't understand why people were so surprised to see an obscene amount of money spent? That was just a small amount compared to what I usually purchase.

We carried the bags to the car and placed them in the back. Cruz drove me home and helped me carry them in. The only thing is, I wasn't expecting Lacey to be there. Her eyes widened when she saw us.

"Did you go shopping?" She asked me.

"I wanted to surprise you," I replied.

"Did you buy a store?" She asked me as I gave her an annoyed look.

"No, I bought baby items," I said as I set the bags down and pulled out items. I handed her a box, and she looked at it.

"You bought me a breast pump?" She looked at me, questioningly.

"This expectant mother informed me you would need it when your breasts became engorged with milk. She helped me pick out essentials. Cruz was no help," I said as Cruz rolled his eyes. Lacey giggled.

"Again, I don't have kids," he said as I shook my head.

She pulled out items and held up an onesie, "My daddy is sexy." She gave me a look.

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