Chapter 46 - Secrets Buried Deeply in the Night

Start from the beginning

As she ran her eyes across the figures surrounding her once more, there was one thing that she suddenly noticed that was the same for every person.

They all were hostile towards each other.

...I see. No wonder no one is attacking. 

The three most powerful ones are currently in a power-lock. They want to be the first one to get to me, but they also don't want to be the first one to move.

All of the other people hidden in the shadows, on the other hand, are just waiting for the three to begin fighting so that they'll have a chance to fight and seize the final kill. 

Feng Yao lowered her face so that no one could see her mocking eyes.

But none of them realize that this power struggle of being the first person to kill the prey is actually just a big game. 

That man has always been fond of brainwashing others into playing "games" for his own entertainment. 

No wonder he decided to just leave the villagers in this state. It's like killing two birds with one stone.

Any outsiders that stumble upon this horrendous place will immediately become the next slaughter target in the game while the experimental humans that he created will eventually all kill each other.

All of these villagers have long been poisoned and will soon self-destruct. You can see it in their bloodshot eyes how they're slowly succumbing to their instincts and insanity. Just like how that first person ended up.

"Oi. Disgusting outsider."

Feng Yao looked up, her expression already expertly wiped clean of any emotion as she made eye contact with the woman.

The woman saw Feng Yao's blank face and immediately sneered.

"What? Nothing to say? Too scared to move?" 

A deranged smirk distorted her lips. 

"Well don't worry too much, you'll soon be hanging up on my wall. I'll make sure that you won't be split up into too many pieces. Who knows, maybe you'll even be my first victim that'll actually be able to find all of your body parts in the underworld! Hahaha! Hahahahaha!"

Feng Yao didn't interrupt and instead listened to the woman loudly laughing, hearing the beginning of madness slowly starting to creep in at the edges of her shrill voice.

With each harsh syllable that was spat out, her eyes began to redden even more. It was to the point that the tears filling up her eyes from laughter looked as if they would spill over as bloody tracks running down her deathly pale cheeks.

But as usual, none of the others around seemed to notice that anything was strange. It was as if their minds had been brainwashed and numbed to the point that they could no longer tell what was normal and what was not.

I pity them. But I can't afford to.

They're all incredibly strong, especially that woman. Out of everyone else, she seems the most unstable. 

...But then again, that also means she's the best person to target.

"Hahaha! I'm so excited, I can't wait! Should I start by cutting your tongue or your eyes out first? Or maybe..." 

A small cutting knife suddenly appeared in the woman's hand as she excitedly licked her lips.

"...should I go straight for your lungs? Hahaha, you'd be just like a fish out of water. Desperately gasping, eyes opened wide, mouth curled into a silent scream, yes it'd be wonderful! Ahahaha! Hahaha!"

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