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"You ready izuku?" Izuku raised his hand and pushed his ear-peice, then said "do i have a choice?" Izuku was standing on a roof. It was windy and it was night, then voice said "no you do not." Izuku turned around and looked down, and saw a red dot where his heart is. He turned back around and looked at the building he was scouting, then lightning went all around his body. He started running, when he got to the edge he jumped off, and landed on the building. He rolled and stood back up fast, and walked up to the roofs door.

There was a lock on it, he grabbed his pistol and put a silencer on it then shot off the lock, and walked in. He walked up to the front door and tried to open it, but it was locked, so he stepped back, then kicked it open and walked in. "What the hell?!" Someone shouted while walking up to the door. Izuku pointed his gun towards the guy and said "Is your name Sam Ramirez?"  "W-Wait, please don't do this.. M-My daughter is here.." Sam said. Izuku didn't answer. Sam got on his knees and said "please Don't." Izuku sighed. "That's not my problem." Izuku said, then pulled the trigger.

Sams body hit the floor and made a thud, and izuku sighed, then put his gun away. He was about to leave, then he heard "d-d-daddy?" He turned around and saw his daughter leaning over his body, with tears falling down her face. "Goddamn it." Izuku thought. "Finish the job izuku." The voice said. "She wasn't apart of this, she's just a kid." The voice chuckled. "What a disappointment." A red dot appered on the girls back, then a shot went off, it broke the window and hit the girl, then she fell down on top of sam. "Come back to base now." Izuku closed his eyes, and walked out.

Izuku opened his eyes and he was chained to a post, he looked around and saw that he was back in the room. "Why didn't you kill the child izuku?" A man said, appearing out of the shadows. "She wasn't part of the mission." Izuku said, then got punched in the face. He spat out blood, but it stayed on his mask, then the man said "that doesn't matter, she was a witness.." The man walked up to a table filled with tools, and knives. "You know izuku, ever since we've shown you your moms death, you've been refusing a lot of stuff..." He turned around with a whip in his hand. "How much times do we need to teach you?" He hit izukus back with it. "AAAHH!" Izuku let out a scream. The man hit him a couple more times, then sat it back down on the table and reached for a knife. He turned back around and said "but i can't complain, since i have so much fun carving you up."


Aizawa was walking up to izukus room. When he got there, he opened the door and saw izuku on the ground, sweating like crazy. He ran over to him and bent down, then said "izuku?! Izuku!" And started shaking him. Izukus eyes opened big, he kicked aizawa back, and aizawa hit the wall hard, then izuku was in front of him with a sword at his neck. "Izuku, look closer to who it is." Izuku turned on the light and saw aizawa. He dropped his sword and was breathing heavily, he walked to the bathroom and started splashing water on his face. Aizawa picked up the sword and put it on the bed, and said "nightmare?" Izuku walked out with a towel on his face and nodded. Aizawa looked at his face a saw the mask on still. "Do you ever take off the mask?" Izuku shook his head. "I don't, i hate looking at my full face. It reminds me too much." Aizawa nodded, then said "why were you on the floor?"

"Im not used to the bed. Too soft." Izuku said, putting his swords on his side. "Well, like i said last night, this is just a check up. I'll be back at 7." Aizawa said as he was walking to the door, then izuku said "is there a gym here? I don't feel tired anymore." Aizawa nodded, then motioned izuku to follow him, so he did. They went down the stairs, then walked out of the dorm, and they were walking for a few minutes until they reached a new building. They walked in and izuku saw all the equipment, then Aizawa said "this gym has the lastest equipment the stores had to offer, So go crazy. I'll be back at 7." Then walked out, leaving izuku to do his thing.

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