Imagine Loki seeing you...(Pt. 1)

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A/N ~ This Imagine is based off of the picture above, a bit a of continuation of it

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A/N ~ This Imagine is based off of the picture above, a bit a of continuation of it.  I hope you enjoy!

Loki POV(kinda)

Loki looked back at Thor, trying to read his brothers expression as he wanted to speak to you before he went off on this mission with him to save his current love, Jane Foster. He knew that this mission would give him the chance to escape the chains of imprisonment for a little while longer. He also knew this would give him the chance to avenge Frigga, as she had done so much for him, even though she wasn't his true mother.

Although Loki was acting for his brother, he really did want to talk to you one last time as Loki was going to disappear and make it seem as if he had died in a battle with Thor.

He missed everything about you: your beautiful and perfect hair, face, voice, laugh, everything he missed. You were in a long, white, silk dress with flat white shoes, and your long (H/c) hair loose around your shoulders; you were looking as beautiful and serene as he had ever seen you. Loki didn't mean to hurt you with his actions, but he knew that the only way you could be together was to leave the prison, fake his death, and come back and take over the throne once again.

Loki's thoughts were interrupted by Thor's quite loud sigh of defeat, followed by,

"Fine, but I'll be right behind you, watching your every move."

Loki chuckles quietly, then responded with,

"Of course, Brother." He follows your trail into the light of the corridor, letting the word hang in the air.

As you had just passed the entryway to the corridor where Loki was waiting for you, he was able to grab you from behind quite easily. He quickly put his hand on your mouth so you wouldn't scream, and dragged you back into the entryway. 

Your POV(for real, lol)

You had been wandering about the palace, examining the destruction the Dark Elves had caused on their attack of Asgard, when you were called to see Sif. Seeing the destruction produced anger in you, as you were kept hidden away during the battle instead of flying one of the bigger ships to attack, as you had done in previous battles. You couldn't help but also feel a responsibility for the death of Frigga, your queen. If your family and the Royal family hadn't insisted on keeping you far away from the Battle, she might not have died. You could've shot down the bigger ships and maybe, just maybe killed Malekith in time. A tear rolled down your cheek as you regain your composure as you continued down the corridor to Sif's quarters.

Someone You tried to turn around to see who grabbed you but you couldn't make out who it was. As you were pulled back into the dark corridor that you had just passed, you were finally let go. Your initial instinct was to reach for your dagger which you stowed underneath your leather belt, but as you went for the handle, it had disappeared. You stop for a mere second, as you think, Is it... No, it can't be, that's impossible! As you turned around to see your captor, you were pushed against the wall, then you saw Loki, his right arm across your upper chest, and his left hand holding your dagger. You weren't surprised, of course, by the sneaky collection of your weapons, you were, however, surprised to see him out of his prison cell.

You haven't really seen Loki face-to-face since he before he left everyone to believe he died after falling off Bifrost. You had been banned to visit him, as was everyone who cared about him.

After the word got out from Thor that Loki wasn't dead, you have been confused. You have known Odinson brothers for a long time, as you grew up with them here in Asgard. You had started to grow feelings for him the past recent years of your life, and then he turned rogue; you didn't know exactly how to feel about him. Of course you still cared for him, but you just didn't know if he was always gonna be as unpredictable as he's grown. Loki has changed so much over the past couple of years, not just his personality, but his appearance as well. His hair is much longer, not well kept as he used to keep it, since he spends his most recent days residing in his cell. Loki's face is even more lean than you have ever seen it; a pale face and dark circles underneath his eyes. His eyes were still as deep and sharp as ever, but they had a hint of age to them; Loki himself seemed to age a couple hundred more years in the past 3 years.

A million thoughts ran through your head as you stared at him in shock. As usual, Loki gave you his familiar mischievous smile.

"My, my, (Y/N), you have certainly lost your touch."

"Lo-Loki?" you stuttered out, "What are you do- " and Loki interrupts you.

"(Y/N), just listen, I have limited time so let me speak," he drops his voice down to a whisper, "I've been coerced to help Thor with a very important but risky task, and I only ask of you one thing. We need your help to start up one of the ships that had been left here by Malekith, and as your expertise on ships is beyond ours- "

"How do I know I can trust you?" you interrupted, "First with Bifrost, then the attacks on Midgard? Which of these actions makes you even slightly believe that I could?" you retorted.

Loki seems to have been hit by your dagger of words when you spoke; he seemed surprised and at a lack of words by your comment, which wasn't his natural response.

A glimmer behind Loki catches your eye, and you see it is Thor in his armour, hiding in the shadows of the column behind Loki. You then understand the task Loki mentioned, as the Thor wanted to take the Midgardian, Jane Foster, to Svartalvheim, as she was in danger to herself and Asgard.

As you look dangerously into Loki's sharp, green eyes, the usual mischievous facade in his eyes had been replaced with a new sparkle of hope; you've known Loki for the longest time, and in that time, you've never even seen this expression in him once.

You secure your stance and harden your expression as you start to say,

"Loki, I-"

You are cut off by the crash of his lips onto yours. You were shocked at first, but then you started following his movements; the feelings you started to have for him years ago were triggered by the kiss, and it overwhelms you. Your right arm snakes around his neck to pull him in closer, slightly deepening the kiss.

As soon as the kiss started, however, it ended as Loki pulled away, the sensation lingering on your lips as you almost pleaded for more. You opened your eyes to see Loki smirking at you, seeming to know your inner thoughts.

"Whatever you decide, (Y/N), I'll be leaving with Thor," Loki pulled his right arm off of your upper chest, placing your dagger into your right hand and left you resting against the wall.

He set off with Thor, and as he turned around to see you before he turned into the hall, he winked at you and left you helpless.

You stood there, shocked for a moment. You had dreamt of this a few times in your younger years and as all your feelings came rushing back into your heart, your mind pleaded a different case. How could you trust him, even if his story is true about the task? He is nothing but mischief and has done nothing but show you how much he cannot be trusted, you thought. But then, you had always seen his mischief as an attractive quality, giving him his real character that you know is deep down inside of him.

You race off after the brothers, in hopes of catching them before they leave Asgard.

End of Pt. 1

A/N ~ there will be a part 2 coming out soon, but I hope you enjoyed reading this because I certainly enjoyed writing this!  See ya soon! -Hailey

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