Curiosity Made Carl Gay - 8

Start from the beginning

Terry: Did something happen?

I stare at the text. How?

Prince Carl: why?

Terry: you looked like the sky just before it's going to rain.

I hug my pillow. I don't understand these poetic sounding stuff, that's why I suck at writing essays about books. I don't get the layered meaning shit. I know he'd tell me if I asked, without rolling his eyes. That's Terry.

Prince Carl: like about to cry?

Terry: about to thunder and strike us with lightning.

I smile. I got it almost right.

Prince Carl: I'm angry.

Terry: and?

Prince Carl: not sure if I can show it now.

Terry: you can tell me if you want to.

Prince Carl: it's about gay things.

Terry: oh, you don't want to go tomorrow?

Prince Carl: NO. I WANT TO.

Terry: :) then?

Prince Carl: it's about my dad. Shouldn't he have told me about gay things too during the sex talk?

Terry: you had a sex talk with your DAD? When?

Prince Carl: eighth grade. I want to shout at him. It's his mistake.

Terry: hey, you should be glad he gave you a talk. Mine doesn't remember me until I do something he doesn't like.

Prince Carl: I can't imagine you doing anything that anyone can dislike.

Terry: being me is bad enough.

Prince Carl: what do you mean?

Terry: he is homophobic. He doesn't know I'm gay. He will throw me out if he knows. That's why I want to keep it a secret.

Prince Carl: oh. I'm sorry.

Terry: it's okay. Don't be angry at your dad. Maybe he doesn't know as well. Maybe his dad didn't tell him. Maybe he was still learning to give sex talks and didn't know the syllabus.

I laugh.

Prince Carl: maybe. Thanks Terry. Brb.

Terry: where are you going?

Prince Carl: to say sorry.

Terry: oh, did you fight with him already?

Prince Carl: no, but I wanted to.

I lock the phone and go down to check if dad is still awake.

No lights are on, he is on the couch watching TV on mute.

I curl next to him.

"Hungry?" Mom asks. I didn't notice her on his other side.

I nod. Mom gets up to get something for me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Dad whispers.

I shake my head and hug him. He wraps me and lets me rest on his chest.

Yes, dad would have told me if he had known.

My sky clears.

Thanks to Terry.

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