Ch. 3

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The the old, brown door opens to a group of people, dressed in black, standing in front of the bank in the middle of our town.

            “You ready?” The tallest in the group says. The others nod their heads. “Go.” Then, they all pull out guns, and enter the bank. The last thing I see before waking up is one of the guns pointed at the teller of the bank. The ‘crack’ of a single gunshot rings in my ears.

            I hear the rumble of the car pulling into the garage. Then, the crash of the keys hitting the counter.

            “Ash, I’m home,” my mom yells, “I’ll make you some soup.”

            “Thanks,” I reply. I want to tell my mom about my dreams, but I’m scared that she won’t believe me. She might send me off to some insane asylum. However, if I do tell her, it might save someones life. after a few minutes of debating myself, I have finally made up my mind. I have to tell her. “Mom, can I talk to you about something?”

            “Sure, what’s wrong?” She says with a worried countenance.

“I have been having strange dreams lately,” I begin.

“What kind of dreams, Sweetheart?”

“I am seeing crimes, and I believe they are actually happening. I dreamt about the man attacking the girl. That is why I was watching the T.V. so closely this morning.”

She gives me a sympathetic look, “Maybe it’s just a coincidence.” She probably thinks I am mad as a hatter.

“Maybe it is, but I’ve had another dream. You know that large, 24-hour bank in the  middle of town? I dreamt that it will be robbed tonight. Do you mind checking it out? I would feel better if you would at least drive by later.”

“Sure,” she sighs.

            As it gets dark, my mom leaves the house and drives to the bank.

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