Sun Garden Family's Personality

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Grappy (Kira Seijirou) :

-In a wheelchair because he's too old to walk

-Mostly just smiles and joins the family even though he doesn't know what's going on

-Always seen patting a family member with his fan.

-The triplets always places a skateboard under his wheel chair and make him ride the skateboard and do daredevil stunts even if he doesn't know what's happening (He thinks he's only flying)

Gramma (Kira Hitomiko)

- Really kind

- Stops fights with sweet words

- The one taking care of the children in the orphanage (most of the time)

- The only person who is in charge of the kitchen

- Only has 4 hours of sleep because Kariya keeps screaming every night for some reason

-Faints when the triplets do dangerous stunts with 'grappy'

Auntie (Yagami Reina/Ulvida)

-Such a badass

-A biased aunt

-Possibly always on a shopping spree every Saturday

-Only likes Kariya 'cause the triplets are idiots

-Pushes Hiroto away from Kariya because she wants the teal to be a badass like her

-Teaches Kariya bad influence things

-"Listen, my dear nephew. If life throws rocks at you, you throw those rocks back."

-Gives her black card to the triplets like she doesn't care

-CEO of a very large company

Daddy (Hiroto) :

-The head of the family

-Mature (most of the time)

-Fixes sibling fights

-Tries his hardest to rid of the badass influence from his son's (Kariya's) mind

-Serious when it comes to business

-"Please don't listen to your aunt Ulvida, Kariya."

Mommy (Midorikawa Ryuuji)

- The sweetest one in the family

-The complete opposite of Reina

-Always emotional about kids growing up

-Spends her quiet time with a book and some tea

-Gets hella scared when the triplets make 'grappy' do some dangerous stunts with the skateboard

-Secretly watches Black Butler

Nagumo-Nii (Nagumo Haruya)

-The oldest of the three

-The one that comes up with cheeky plans

-The one who ends up with the most punishment

-Doesn't like soft things

-Says 'please' with his triplets to get the black card from Reina

-Always seen eating cooked seaweed

Afuro-Nii (Afuro Terumi)

-The second oldest triplet

-The second in command

-Sweet when it comes to Kariya

-Likes BTS more than his own siblings

-Hides a stash of candy inside his bed

-Says he's on a diet but isn't

Suzu-Nii (Suzuno Fuusuke)

-The youngest triplet

-The nicest one

-Always obedient

-Joins his triplets' evil scheme because he's bored

-Eats broccoli everyday

-Likes the snow

-An angel

Ria/Saki (Kariya Masaki)

-The baby of the family

-Hates the bully in the orphanage

-Reina's favourite

-Spoiled but doesn't show unless it's Reina

-Gets at least 1 Million kisses a day

-Likes Kirino

-The one saved from the triplets' evil schemes

-Likes hugs but doesn't admit

-Has a soft side and is proud to show it

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