1. Michael Scott Paper Company

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Alice: Yep. Today is my first day. The ad was very basic, very professional... I got here and my first thought was "Wow, this place is boring" But I am a college graduate with enormous student debt in need of a job, and they needed a receptionist.

"Dunder Mifflin, this is Alice," I greet, catching Jim looking at me as I work at my desk.

He awkwardly smiles and goes back to work.

It's my understanding that his fiancee had this job for years, so I get that he's not used to seeing anyone else at her desk. And... From what I've heard she left to go work with their old boss? Who left to start his own paper company? I don't know all the details...

"Dwight, can I see you in my office?" Charles asks, gesturing towards the inside of his office.

Oh, and, uh, Charles asked Dwight to help get me situated, so here's hoping that goes well. In one of his routine trips to my desk, Jim warned me that Dwight has his own way of doing things...

"Hello, Alice," Dwight offers his hand to shake. "Dwight Schrute, Assistant Regional Manager, Top Salesman, Beet Farmer, and, for today, Tour Guide."

Jim: Dwight never includes all of his many titles in a simple introduction, I wonder what his deal is...

I shake Dwight's hand, impressed by his many accolades. He grins, walking around me to lead me through the office. We pass the sales department, briefly stop at accounting, and go through the kitchen and break room to get to the annex.

Dwight: What do I think of the new receptionist? Well, not much, she's merely Pam's replacement. But I have to say, she could do well here. She's already organized everything Pam left behind and she's rather good at transferring calls for her first day.

Angela: I don't see what the big deal is, she's just a receptionist. I'm the head of accounting– which is a much harder job than filling a candy bowl and answering phones– but you don't see me flaunting myself around the office...

Kevin: The new receptionist is hot. Way hotter than Pam.

"So, Assistant Regional Manager, what might a girl like myself do on a Friday night? I've never been to Scranton till I moved here-"

"How should I know? I'm not a young girl, I'm a man." Dwight rolls his eyes at me.

"Right, you're right. Sorry, maybe I'll ask Kelly."

Dwight scoffs.

"Don't ask Kelly, she'll suggest going to the mall and chasing after a lame temp who won't return her calls. You don't need to waste your time doing that. You might only be a receptionist, but have some self-worth."

"Oh... Kay..." I start to walk away, back out to my desk.

"If I was a young woman new to Scranton, I might like Poor Richards, I guess." Dwight offers as I leave the room.

Alice (slowly smiling): I don't know what Jim was on about, Dwight is plenty nice, and a very straight-forward, honest person...

"So, Alice, I expect that Dwight showed you around the office, helped you get familiar with the place?" Charles asks.

I nod, "Uh, yeah,"

"Of course I did, Charles." Dwight assures.

"Uh, you might not want to hear from me, but I believe Dwight still has more to show Alice?" Jim suggests.

"Oh, yeah, Jim, like what?" Dwight scoffs.

"The hidden jewels of Scranton?"

"Oh, no, that's not-" I protest.

Dunder Mifflin, This is AliceWhere stories live. Discover now