hawkmoth plan

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Gabriel POV.
Today was another inspiring day for another evil villian to to take there mircalous I feel it.
As I walked down the stairs I see my son and I speak to him from a far distance.

Gabriel : Adrien??
Adrien: Yes father ??
Gabriel: where are you off to it's Sunday you should be upstairs practicing piano in your room??
Adrien: father I thought maybe I could go hangout with nino and some friends today ?
Gabriel: I see but that will distract you from your piano lessons and your fencing training with your teacher ??
Adrien: father please I never see my friends on the weekend please father?
*Gabriel looks at Natalie and smiles *

Gabriel : okay I will let you go this time but you need to be back at 7:00 p m .
*Adrien smiles *

*Moments later*
Adrien made it to the park to see Marinette , alya and nino . He didn't even know why nino called him to come but It had to be important for him to be there !

*They started to talk *
Adrien : hi everyone
Mari: hey adrien?
Alya : hey Adrien
Nino: hey dude?
Adrien : so what was so important I had to get over here?
Alya : Marinette has been sad every since when your father said you couldn't haven't any sleep overs with us ?
Adrien :*sighs*
*Nino Pat's Adrien shoulder*

Later that night ..
*Marinette sits on the balcony and holds her head . She was wondering why she could add it up in her mind who was hawkmoth and how does he know about the other mircalous*

*Tikki and her started to talk *
Mari: tikki this doesn't make any sense ?
Tikki: when you let me go to noru birthday celebration . We tried to get in contact With noru but instead hawkmoth was already transformed into hawkmoth and he had already acumatized someone !
Mari: so he felt your ora . Oh no so he knows that you are close to him 😢 ?

*Marinette shook her head and tried to think of more ideas that she could tell master fu but she could come up with anything off the top of her head *

When Marinette slowly fell asleep and she dream that ....

((Hey everyone I hope you enjoy this chapter ))

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