Soul Stone.

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They all showed up those civilian clothes, despite the fact that they died in their suits.
Peter was crying. Crying so damn hard. He just wanted to go home to his father. Peter sat on the orange-gold floor alone, crying and screaming out for his dad to save him from this place that made him hurt in the chest.

Sam showed up alone. Bucky showed up alone. Wanda showed up alone. Everyone was isolated. But they could all hear someone. Someone that was screaming and crying so loud that Sam could've sworn everyone on earth heard it, but no one did. Sam started to run in the direction of the screams, as did everyone on the team. They all came together on their way. When they got there they saw a small little teenager screaming. He looks up at the Avengers and exhales. His face is red and puffy. He stands and runs straight into the middle of the crowd, which held the one person that Peter knew would be there for him despite the fact that he pretended not to. The crowd parted as Peter sobbed into the chest of Happy Hogan. "Hey, kid." Happy whispered softly. He sent a glare at the rest of the Avengers who were looking at him as if he was insane. They all knew him as Tony's bodyguard that was almost as stuff with feelings as Natasha was trained to be. Here he was hugging a random little kid. "Who are you, kid?" Lucky asked kindly when Peter's sobs ceased and he released Happy's suit jacket. Peter wiped his eyes. "My name is Peter Parker and I'm a nobody from Queens. You don't really need to know anything else." Peter sat on the floor and put one hand on his chest, where it was aching. A few people sat down with him. "Hi, Peter. I'm Wanda." She put a hand out for him to touch. He shook her hand, and because the Scarlet Witch was still not in control of her emotions, she dove headfirst into his memories. The death of his parents, the whole ordeal with Skip Wescott, his uncle, his best friend Harry, his girlfriend Gwen, then the Toomes fiasco, and finally May's death about a week before the snap. She yelled out and pulled away from him, clutching her head. "My God, Peter! I'm so sorry for what you had to go through. I'm glad that you made it out as happy as you are." She smiled at him. He looked at her weirdly. "You've known me for two minutes, all I've done is cry, and you screamed the second we touched." She twirled her fingers around and red magic showed up. "Oh. You're the Scarlet Witch. That makes sense. Hi." Someone placed a hand on his shoulder lightly. "I'm Princess Shuri of Wakanda." Someone placed a hand... branch? on his leg. He turned. "I am Groot." Peter smiled. "Nice to meet you too Groot." Same and Bucky shared a look. "You understand the tree?" Peter nodded. "Alright. I give up." The group disbanded, leaving the small group of new friends to talk.

-5 Years Later-

Peter walked over to Shuri and Groot while Wanda talked to Bucky about their next date. The two had started to date about three years ago. Peter and Shuri, being the only geniuses of the team that got snapped, figured out how the soul realm worked and got them like food and stuff. "I am Groot." Shuri shook her head. "Not true!" she blushed and pushed him slightly. "Oh, what are we talking about?" "I am Groot." Peter raised his eyebrows at Shuri who blushed furiously. He looked over at the boy in question then back to Shuri. "You do not have a crush on Harley of all people." Shuri pushed him too. "Shut up!" She said, causing Peter to laugh. They sat on the couch and started talking about nothing in particular. When people around started to disappear. Peter started to freak. Does this mean that we're going to live again? Wanda looked at him, a bright smile on her face. She nodded at him, before turning into dust. Peter lost the feeling of his feet and knew immediately knew it was happening again. When his entire body disappeared, he opened his eyes and was on Titan. "Hey, guys! I haven't seen you since you moved downtown!" He pulled Star Lord, Mantis, and Drax into hugs. With Groot becoming one of his best friends, it made sense that he would also bond immediately with the guardians. Peter Q looked distraught. "I.. think that Gamora isn't going to get out of the stone. Now, she and Luna are gonna be all alone..." He closed his eyes and breathed out shakily. "Hey! Quill, it's alright. We'll get you back to them. Okay? You will see your family again." Quill nodded, and Peter stepped away from him. Gamora had been in the soul stone with them. The two found out that when Gamora died, she was pregnant with Quill's daughter. She gave birth within the soul stone, which the logistics of two people that are dead still being able to have a daughter totally throw him off, but Peter never looked too much into it. Peter's eyes widened and his head whipped around. "Phen! (Pronounced Finn but it's Strange) Where are you?" Peter turned around to see Doctor Strange on his way to them. When he got to them, Peter hugged him too. Stephen offered the Guardians a portal, but they wanted to make sure their ship was still good and not ravaged by some wanderer. Peter took the opportunity. "Take me to my father, please." he asked Strange. Strange opened a portal to Wakanda. Peter had never been, but Shuri had explained it to him enough times that Peter knew it on sight. He stepped through the portal and ran around the foreign country looking for him frantically. He ran through the palace and saw Shuri. "Shuri!" They hugged, only for Peter to hurriedly pull away from her. "Two things, have you seen my dad?" She nodded her head. "I appeared in my lab and he was there! I told him that you would go find him and that he should stay there! Two lefts, a right, and down the spiral staircase." Peter nodded, giddy. "Also, Gamora and Luna didn't come out with us." Shuri's excitement visibly dulled. "Really?" She whispered. She got to know Gamora so well in the nine months that she was Luna's godmother. Her and Gamora were like sisters. They parted, Shuri calling out for her mother and Okoye. Peter ran down the hall. He took a left, and then another. He then took a right and took two steps at a time when he went down the staircase. He saw Tony pacing, hands pulling at his hair. "Dad!" Tony stopped dead in his tracks. "Pete," he breathed. They ran towards each other and cried. "Dad, Dad we need to get Gamora and Luna. Do you have the stones?" Tony nodded. "Where. I want to surprise Quill when he gets here but we have to hurry." Tony opened up a drawer, pulled out a metal box. He out in a password and it opened to show a padlocked briefcase. Tony opened the padlock. Tony opened the briefcase to reveal the gauntlet. Peter grabbed the soul stone and smiled as he held it in the palm of his hand. The power electricified him. After the snap, everyone that was brought backs life force was tied to this stone. So it wouldn't hurt him to touch it. He closed his eyes and traveled inside the stone in his mind. He opened his eyes to be on the couch in his house inside the stone. He smiled and walked to Gamora and Quill's house downtown. It took him longer than expected, but it would be only a second for him to get out of the stone again. He got there to see Gamora holding a gun at the door, Luna on her him. (Read the one picture of Kevin Hart on the girls shoulder) "Hey! It's me. I'm here to get you out so you can be with Quill and the others." She raised her eyebrow. "Alright then." She lowered her gun. Gamora was the first person to ever be inside the stone, so when she was there, she had great powers of telekinesis and mind reading. She took his hand. Peter closed hue eyes and opened them again. He was in Shuri's lab with Tony, Gamora, and Luna. "Hi! I'm Luna!" Luna waved at Tony enthusiastically, her green skin blending into her mothers. The sound of a ship landing could be heard. "Ah! They must be here!" Gamora said. She kissed Peter's cheek. "That you Pete." She ran out to find her husband. Peter smiled. "No problem." Tony slung and are over Peter's shoulder. "So what's the story? Like what happened in the stone that I can pretend I didn't know and win a bet against Clint with?" Peter raised an eyebrow. "Dad, you're literally a billionaire." Tony waved a hand at him. "Alright fine. Shuri has a crush on Harley." Tony tripped on the step he was walking up. "Harley Keener? My kid?" Peter nodded. Harley's mom passed a few weeks before the snap, so Harley moved in with Tony. "Also, Wanda and Bucky are dating." Tony fell on his face out of pure shock. Peter could not stop laughing.

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