Evil Teams: People, Admins, Goals, Etc.

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So in this game we have two different Pokémon teams. One for each version of the game. They will be separated into two different section for each team. Each section will have categories such as admins and leaders, main Pokémon and battle styles, goals and contributions to plot, and inspirations.

Team Celestial

The villains of Pokémon Sky.


Doctor Sebastian Ala: The leader of the organization. As a scientist, he has concluded that people on this earth are too selfish and too impure. So he had fathered followers under his own sort of worship and had created s plan to create a new utopia for only those worthy. However, to do so he needs the God Pokémon to do so. He believes that if they can create a realm in the sky, it would be like a heaven for those worthy. He thinks normal people are scum and only "the celestials" can build a better world.

Mimi Ala: Sebastian's only daughter who was left in his custody after the divorce. Mimi only wants to please her father in hopes of getting attention and love, and wants to build a better world where nobody gets neglected. 

Professor Nino Albierro: A researcher formerly under Professor Caladium. Extremely knowledgeable on the potential of Pokémon, Mega Evolution, Z power, and Dynamax from studying abroad. He wishes to bring out the pull potential of Pokémon, possibly seeing them as weapons as well as friends. With all that power, he could be the most powerful person in the world!

Camilla Sanchez: A former Nurse Joy who was kicked out for "not looking the part" but mainly because she was too dark. It sucked. Literally that should NOT have happened to her and everyone knows it, including the people who are actually evil.. She instead became a strong trainer with extensive knowledge of a pokemon's Weaknesses, how to heal Pokémon in a jiffy, and where pressure points and weak spots on all Pokémon comes from. Literally has a built in Pokédex. In her idealistic world, she wants to let anyone be anything. Anybody can be a nurse!

Boris Valentine: A member of team galactic who came to work under Doctor Ala after it disbanded and after Cyrus abandoned them. Still had a lot of regrets, doubts, and is always expecting betrayal. He used to have a HUGE crush on Commander Mars. It was so obvious. But now he might be pinning for another girl here...  

Xavier Yepes: A reserved, cold hearted boy who is often known as the "bad kid" all his life. He loves to spray paint, graffiti, and has never participated in the ceremonies that everyone throws for the deity pokemon simply because he doesn't think it matters. He isn't hardcore religious like everyone else, nor does he care. He just wants to live in peace. Doctor Ala promised him just that and an art studio so that's really all he needs. Though... the fangirls suffocated him... eww.


Preferred Types: Flying, Psychic, Fairy, Ghost

Fighting Style: Heavily reliant on things like Z Moves, Mega Evolution, and defeating you ASAP also they can get back to work. Offense is the best defense! Major in attacks and speed stat.

Reoccurring Grunt Pokémon (first evo means entire chain): Zubat, Pidgey, Spearow, Fletchling, Mimikyu, Ghastly, Duskull, Litwick, Rufflet, Starly, Espurr, Espeon, Spiritzee, Unknown, Misdravus, Drowsee, Wingull, Piplup, Poplio, Swablu


The goal? Create a utopia where only perfect people can live. They want to capture and use the power of Rebus to create a utopia in the sky where they can take all the perfect people and separate them from the scum on the Earth. They want to create their entire own little heaven where nobody else can live, and the godly Pokémon Rebus would be their infinite power source! Mwah ha ha ha!

Team Continental


Sorlac Suelo: A woman who knows more than she leads on to tell. She had many secrets, like that scar on her ring finger that wraps around all the way and why she always looks dead inside. She had created team Continental for a secret reason known to everyone else. Everyone is under the impression that they are good guys trying to protect the environment. In reality, Sorlac is losing her mind. She wants to steal the Pokémon Petram and use it for... devious reasons. Literally this girl is more insane than Lysandre.

Julio and Milo Suelo: Twin boys who were left in their Mother's custody after the divorce. Both of them are extremely concerned for their mother, as she had been constantly forgetting to earn and drink when doing her research for her plans. The boys just want her to be happy. But what she wants to... can they really support that?

Doctor Lucien Amarillo: A prior therapist who used to help Sorlac. Now he aids her because he has fallen in love with her. He knows every step of her plan and he knows it's wrong, but he will do anything to Male he really happy and seek her revenge on the world. Why? Because she promised him one thing: her hand in marriage. If he helps her out, she will marry him and love him with all her heart. That is what she had promised. Besides, the twins like him!

Doctor Homura Ayana: An old friend of Lucien's who he had begged to help him with this absurd plan. She does the research and only does what she is told. In all honesty, she's a sadist and she knew doomsday would happen eventually. So why not cause it amirite?

Professor William Venoshock: Being An old associate of Professor Elm of Johto and Professor Rowan of Sinnoh, he has experience with evolution. With this, he is able to store energy and uses this energy from the evolution of Pokémon o power experiments and conduct research on how this energy might be able to help with their plans and be used on Petram whenever the time is right. Professor Venoshock might be insane, but he also has a major thing for Doctor Ayana. It's kinda adorable.

Cosmo Talyn: A young boy who was brought into the organization after finding out too much. A friend of Milo and Julio. He is shy and reserved, but also a little bit on the demented side. If you hurt a friend or so much as raise your voice, he gets violent and scary. He is also a strong trainer, so strong that he teaches the adults how to fight like him. He has a little bit of a crush on Milo, but nobody needs to know that.


Preferred Types: Grass, Ground, Rock, Ice, Bug

Fighting Style: Wait for the perfect moment to strike, then make a fatal blow. Lots of waiting and power charged moves, as well as insanely powered moves after lowering stats or adding status conditions to your Pokémon. High Defenses and HP.

Reoccurring Grunt Pokémon (first evo means entire chain): Sewaddle, Dewbble, Geodude, Caterpie, Wurmple, Weedle, Glaceon, Snowrunt, Alola!Vulpix, Deerling, Foongus, Quagsire, Sheldon, Onyx, Tyrunt, Amoura, Hippotas, Gligar


Okay the big reveal. What does Sorlac need all these professors and research for? Is it really that horrible? What do you mean she's like Lysandre?

Well, she wants to use Petram to reverse his power and sink the entire content while giving a safe area of land off to the side of where her organization can stay until everyone drowns. Once everyone has drowned, she wants to rebuild the entire continent from scratch while having the bodies be burried in the ground, both people and Pokémon. She wants an entire new world, and she wants to have it run the Team Continental Way.

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