3: Rich Man

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im gonna be inactive for a bit (again) because im dying with school, mostly research papers and projects since it's the last quarter. a few more days and i'll be breathing normally once again~

(so i cant update this book frequently) but hey, im giving yall this, so toodles for now~ love yous~💕


Roger's POV:

January 1965. About a month has passed and we were selling out almost every night! Girls all around... and boys.

Oh, shut up, you're not gay. Not anymore, Rog.

I shook off my thoughts as I felt someone poking me from my right shoulder. I looked at the hand and it was Brian's. I sat up almost immediately and hummed in question.

"Oh, uh... Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Y-yeah..."
Fuck, I'm weak.

He nodded in return and we just stared into each other's eyes for about three seconds and surely, I was in my own world. Those were the best three seconds of my life, but it ended when he shook his head. I also shook mine, then blinked my eyes a few times before he spoke up first.

"Um... OH! Have you met Chrissie yet?"

"N-no, I haven't, I guess." My heart is pounding so fast so suddenly.

"What about we meet her this lunch? I mean, we're mates on my Maths class. Does that sound good?"

"Uhh... sure."

"Sure, yeah." Tim and I said simultaneously. The bell rang, saying that our recess was over.

"OH, um, gotta go! It's my Maths!" Brian said, wiggling his eyebrows while picking his books up. We stood up as well as Brian rushed through the crowd. Me and Tim looked at each other, blinking our eyes before Tim spoke up.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

I slowly nodded, "I think I do."

"1, 2, 3, Go! They're dating!"

"They're dating!" Our eyes widened, then giggled like school girls, only we weren't gay. Or at least Tim wasn't.
I am so confused with my sexuality, what the fuck is happening to me.

"C'mon, Rog. We still have a class and we don't want to be late." He said as he took ahold of my hand and basically dragged me towards our class which was History.



Lunch Break...

We were at our usual table, me and Tim were already sitting there, waiting for Brian and his date.

I am jealous, what the fuck.

A bit bored from waiting, I cupped my face with my hands while my elbows are on the table. A slam on the table and I jolted.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late."

"JEsUs, Brian. Try to be a bit decent." I said as both the boys laughed at me. Brian sat down across me with the girl called Chrissie. Ugh. Tim and I looked at each other before turning back to the couple.

"Yeah. So, um, this is Chrissie, my friend." Brian gestured at Chrissie and I smiled and nodded. So does Tim.

"Chrissie, these are Roger..." He said as he gestured towards me. I extended my hand for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled and she smiled back.

"Nice to meet you too."

"...and Tim. They're my best pals and my band mates as well." Tim and Chrissie shook hands then we sat down properly, and awkwardly at first, but then Chrissie got something out from her bag.

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