6: Late-Night Gig

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Roger's POV:

Monday. 7:10.

"Hey Rog!" Tim's voice echoed the almost empty hallway. I was on my way to the cafeteria when I heard his voice behind me.

"Hey Tim. How's today?" I asked when he was walking beside me, he shrugged.

"Nothing out of the ordinary."


We arrived at the cafeteria and grabbed snacks to keep ourselves occupied because it's so fucking boring. My soul is going to get out of my body if I don't do anything.

"Hey guys." My sleepiness was gone the moment I heard his voice. I looked up at him and he smiled. It was a different one from the way he smiled at Tim. He sat beside me.

Oh God, please control my emotions and heartbeat.

"Hey," Tim greeted with an uninterested voice.

Brian looked at me and spoke in a hushed voice, "Did something wrong happen to him today?"

I shrugged, "I think he lacks sleep. I don't blame him though, because I lack sleep too."

He chuckled lowly, "is it because you were thinking of me?"

I felt my cheeks heat up, but if he's confident, I'll step up my game too, "yeah. I was thinking about how big-"

"Shut up." I glanced at him and his jaw clenched and relaxed. I smirked.

The effect I have on him must be strong.



"Hand in your home works, now." Mrs. Bennett commanded, but the students weren't budging.

"If you all hand in your home works quickly, I'll let you out and have early lunch." She said and the students immediately flocked around her. Brian was the first to pass so I wasn't worried.

"Alright, class dismissed." The students cheered in victory and thanked the her before going out to go to the cafeteria.

I waited for Brian so that we could walk together to the cafeteria. I glanced at him and smiled when he was beside me. "What do we have for tonight? Any gigs?"

He hummed, "We got one this late afternoon and another one this late night. The usual pub at 5 and 9."

"Oh, wow, that's a first for a double one."

He shrugged while smiling, "Well, what can I say? We're good musicians-"

I interrupted him with a playful smack on his arm that caused him to laugh, "What? Aren't we?"

I shook my head, "Of course we are, but don't be too proud, we're only a temporary high school band."

He chuckled, "Right. Also, we'll gonna be moving up to 12th in June."

I snorted, "Really? That's all you can think about? The moving up is still too far from today, silly."

He smiled softly as he looked at me, although I don't really where he's looking at but I'm sure his eyes are on my face. "What, do I have something on my face?"

"Yep. Beauty."

I felt my face heat up, but if he's confident, then so am I. "Thanks, I get that a lot."

He shook his head, "You know what, because you're pretty, let's go to that new ice cream parlour across the street. I heard their ice creams taste great."



The pub was packed. We were quite the highlight there as our band gigs were known to be "great" in music and looks. We were the first to play earlier, just as Harvey, the manager, told us to. I don't know if it was a genuine compliment or he just said that so he could gain more customers and money, but he said that we were the 'perfect band to set the mood'. 

I chuckled at the thought as I sat on the counter and ordered beer while waiting for our time slot. I looked around and gained a few winks and smirks here and there from men and women. I sighed.

"You look bothered." I jumped at his voice.

"You scared me," I smiled as he sat beside me.

"What's on your mind?"

I drank the remaining contents of the glass, "Nothing, really. Just a bit nervous... I mean, I'm always excited to perform but being human is shit."

He laughed, "Yeah, but hey, we're almost up. I think we'll be up there until they close..."

I looked at him with raised brows, "11? Bloody hell, that's fucking late. I want to go home already."

He grinned and put a hand on my thigh, giving it a little reassurance squeeze, "Get a booze, but not too much, I'm sure you'll enjoy the night."



"Oh God," I gasped as Brian left wet kisses on my neck.

After we performed, we drank some more until Tim started to be too loud so we brought him back to his house. I don't even know how or why we're allowed to drink there, and for free! Perhaps it's Harvey's thanks to us for bringing him more money. After that, it's kind of a blur already.

I remember the warmth of his hands roaming around my body, gripping my waist, and lifting me up so that I can wrap my legs around him.

"The things you make me do..." He said as he unbuttoned my shirt and left hickeys on the expanse of my chest. I felt him move and before I knew it, I landed on his mattress.

Oh, the sensations that I felt were electric! His breath against my neck gave me goosebumps and I, if possible, can feel my pupils dilate. He undid the buttons to my shirt and trailed kisses on my torso, not even bothering to take any piece of clothing off. "Jesus Christ, Bri..."

Oh, how I don't want this to end.

"Oh, baby..." He started to rock his hips against mine and boy-oh-boy do I want to last long. But what with the increasing pace that he has the complete control of, the tingly warmth in my stomach exploded and surely, I was seeing spots. My thighs were shaking. That was by far the best orgasm that I've had. Not too long after, Brian followed suit, groaning deeply as he did so and fell right beside me.

We were both catching our breaths when I looked at him and smiled drunkenly albeit not being drunk. "That was fucking amazing, Bri."

He made a noise of affirmation and looked back at me. "What now?"

I chuckled and pushed him off the bed, "Well, after soiling our pants I think we need to fucking clean up. Now, get on with it. Bathroom's on-"

He grinned and playfully rolled his eyes, "on the very end of the hallway, yes I know. Won't you join me?"

I felt my face heating up but before I could say anything, he interrupted. "No funny business, Mr. Taylor. Just plain ol' bathing, that's all."

As he heard me exhale, he laughed. "You dirty minded blonde, come on now."


hehe, i'm alive.

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